CSDE Population Studies Proseminar Winter 2018: Getting Your Hands Dirty Digging in the Data
CSDE 502 is a “how to” course that teaches skills for working with data. It is meant to fill a perceived curriculum gap between methods courses that emphasize study design, and statistics courses that teach statistical analysis. This course is useful for students about to embark on their first independent research project, as well as for those starting to work on a research team with other students or faculty. It focuses on applied methods for data preparation, and will introduce the following topics: data management and documentation, data cleaning and variable creation, working with demographic data, and reproducibility.
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Kam Wing Chan Authors New Book
Affiliate Kam Wing Chan, Professor of Geography, recently published a book titled Urbanization with Chinese Characteristics: The Hukou System and Migration. The book is a collection of Chan’s major published articles from the past decade, and includes a new introduction. Together, Chan’s articles provide a coherent analysis and exploration of the intersection of the hukou system, migration, and urbanization in China.
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Karin Frey Informs the Design of an Autonomous School Bus
Affiliate Karin Frey, Research Associate Professor at the College of Education, was cited in a recent Co.Design article that explores a Seattle firm’s concept for an autonomous school bus. The design firm Teague has created a theoretical design for a passenger bus—called Hannah—that would rely upon artificial intelligence, and mark a radical departure from the traditional yellow bus experience. Despite the potential benefits of the Hannah concept, there are concerns about lack of human supervision on a self-driving bus. The design team consulted with Frey on the topic of bullying, one such concern. With regards to the contention that artificial intelligence could not supervise children to prevent bullying in the same way that a human driver would, Frey pointed to the number of children on board as the key issue. Consequently, the design team updated Hannah to be a small, six-passenger vehicle, with seats facing one another.
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