March 27, 2018
CSDE Seminar Series
Not Quite a Pill Mill: Effects of PDMPs on Over-prescribing Providers
When: Friday, Mar 30, 2018 (12:30-1:30 PM) Where: 121 Raitt Hall
Jevay Grooms, Department of Pharmacy, University of Washington
This week, NHLBI Fellow Jevay Grooms will discuss the effect of Prescription Drug Monitoring Programs (PDMPs) on opioid prescribing trends for a given provider in various medical specialties.
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CSDE Workshops
CSDE Computational Demography Working Group: Spring Quarter Meetings
When: 12:00-1:20pm Where: Savary Hall (room varies, see details)
Join CSDE’s Computational Demography Working Group this Spring for another set of stimulating meetings to foster interaction and exchange between students and researchers who share an interest in computational demography and beyond.
- Tuesday, April 3rd (Savery Hall 245) Visiting Affiliate Ott Toomet (UW School of Information): “Modeling business response to violence using Afghanistan cellphone data“
- Thursday, April 19th (Savery Hall 409) Charles Lanfear (UW Sociology): “Focus on reproducibility: Creating R packages for population research“
- Tuesday, May 1st (Savery Hall 245) Guy Abel (Asian Demographic Research Institute and IIASA) “Visualizing migration flows: How to design and produce animated directional chord diagrams in R“
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CSDE Research & Highlights
CSDE Computing announcement about UW-IT Port blocking for Remote Desktop
Recently, UW-IT sent an email with the subject line of “Upcoming Changes to improve UW network security” – this communication outlines a new off-campus port-blocking policy which affects Remote Desktop services. This new policy does not apply to CSDE Terminal servers.
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CSDE Affiliates Awarded UW Population Health Initiative Pilot Research Grants
CSDE Affiliates Ali Rowhani-Rahbar, Karen Fredricksen-Goldsen, and Marieka Klawitter were members of teams recently awarded Population Health Initiative grants. The Rowhani-Rahbar project examines lethal means assessment for suicide prevention. The team led by Fredricksen-Goldsen examines health disparities in Washington State and the role of social and economic inequities in intersectional marginalized populations. CSDE also provided matching support to the Fredriksen-Goldsen and Klawitter project proposal.
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Dan Eisenberg Explores Whether Paternal Age Impacts Offspring’s Lifespan
In a pioneering experimental study on the effect that paternal age has on offspring’s lifespan and telomere length, Affiliate Dan Eisenberg, Associate Professor of Anthropology, and a team of researchers found that zebra finch embryos with older fathers had shorter telomeres than counterparts sired by younger fathers and the same mother. The telomeres from embryos fathered by older finches were about 10 percent shorter than those with a younger father.
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Maria Krysan and Kyle Crowder Examine How Social Forces Impact Patterns of Segregation
When it’s time to look for a new home or apartment, most people turn to the familiar: they seek to move to known neighborhoods, they ask friends or family for leads, and they focus on areas that are part of their daily routine. In a recently co-authored book, Cycle of Segregation, Maria Krysan and Affiliate Kyle Crowder contend that these behaviors reinforce patterns of residential segregation.
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Demography Events
Conferences & Calls for Papers
Center for Studies in Demography and Ecology |
csde@uw.edu 206 Raitt Hall (206) 616-7743 |
UW Box 353412 Seattle, WA 98195-3412 |
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