September 4, 2018
CSDE Workshops
PAA Prep and Review Workshop
When: Friday, Sep 7, 2018 (1:00-2:00 PM) Where: Savery Hall, Room 245
The Population Association of American (PAA) is holding its annual conference next Spring in Austin, Texas. Submissions are due in two weeks! Trainees are invited to join us to prepare for the deadline submission (9/16). We’ll provide strategies and tips on structuring an effective submission – and we’ll provide pizza and drinks, too!
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CSDE Research & Highlights
Heather Hill Explains Why Income Disruptions May Impact Childhood Development
CSDE Affiliate Heather Hill, Associate Professor at the Evans School of Public Policy & Governance, joined the Poverty Research and Policy Podcast last month to discuss why changes in income might matter to childhood development. In her conversation, Hill shares her research on income dynamics and how income volatility impacts children's cognitive, social, and emotional outcomes.
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Jennifer Otten Researches the Health Impacts of Diet Beverages
CSDE Affiliate Jennifer Otten, Associate Professor of Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences at the School of Public Health, was invited by the American Heart Association to join a panel of researchers investigating the health impacts associated with low-calorie sweetened beverages. After examining the link between diet drinks and weight gain, diabetes, stroke, dementia, and other health issues, Otten notes: “The advisory concluded that we need to limit low-calorie sodas and drinks and choose water instead, especially in children for whom we don’t know the long-term effects of consumption.”
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CSDE Workshops: We Want Your Feedback!
We are re-visioning the CSDE workshop offerings and want to hear from you. Your feedback and requests will inform our future workshop plan – Please take our survey by clicking the link below.
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Submit Your Input to NICHD
The Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) recently announced plans to update its strategic plan. Before launching a formal comment period, NICHD invites feedback via Twitter and email.
NICHD has been the primary funder for CSDE’s research infrastructure and training program – and stand out as a primary population science research funder. Please take a few minutes to share the value of continued investment in population science,
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Conferences & Calls for Papers
- Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Quantitative Human-Environment Science University of Colorado, Boulder (Open until filled)
- Tenure-track Assistant, Associate or Full Professor in Climate Change Brown University (Open until filled)
- Assistant Professor of Sociology, Social Demography Western Washington University (Open until filled)
- Applied Statistician/Population Modeler Altria Group (Open until filled)
- Postdoctoral Fellow, Ohio Policy Evaluation Network (OPEN) University of Cincinnati (Open until filled)
- Assistant Professor of Sociology University of Washington (Open until filled)
- Assistant Professor – Infrastructure and Data Science Goldman School of Public Policy, University of California, Berkeley (Open until filled)
- Sociology, Demography and Quantitative Research Librarian University of California, Berkeley (Open until filled)
- Assistant Professor, Anthropological Genetics Yale University (Deadline: 10/1/2018)
- Tenure-Track Assistant Professor in Demography McGill University (Deadline: 9/27/2018)
- Student Position: Client Demographics/Client Service Delivery Matrix (Open until filled)
- Postdoctoral Position, Science of Teams and Innovation The Knowledge Lab, University of Chicago (Open until filled)
- Visiting Assistant Professor of Sociology Whitman College (Open until filled)
Center for Studies in Demography and Ecology |
csde@uw.edu 206 Raitt Hall (206) 616-7743 |
UW Box 353412 Seattle, WA 98195-3412 |
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