September 19, 2018
CSDE Workshops
UW Symposium on Family Planning, Contraception and Abortion
When: Friday, November 2, 2018 (8:00 AM-2:30 PM) Where: Walker-Ames Room, 225 Kane Hall |
Please join the Departments of Global Health, Obstetrics and Gynecology, and Medicine, and the Center for Studies in Demography & Ecology to identify areas for future research and collaboration. We invite faculty, staff, and fellows actively working in the field of family planning, contraception, and abortion to participate in this symposium to guide these efforts as a UW community.
(RSVP here)
CSDE Research & Highlights
Sarah Elwood Explores Disruptive Poverty Politics
CSDE Affiliate Sarah Elwood, Professor in the Department of Geography at the University of Washington, and co-author Victoria Lawson explore how creative activism can introduce disruptive poverty politics. Elwood and Lawson center their analysis around Real Change, a street newspaper sold by low-income vendors.
Building on prior poverty politics analysis, Elwood argues that creative poverty activism produces performative encounters create connections between those experiencing poverty and those who are not. Through public art and performance, activists bring poverty knowledge into public spaces, which "create encounters across socio-spatial difference that challenge privileged subjects, raise new voices, and create previously unimaginable political forms."
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Katarina Guttmannova Adapts Proven Prevention Program for Native Americans
The Communities That Care (CTC) prevention system has proven success in reducing substance abuse among youths. NIH's National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) recently featured the work of CSDE Affiliate Katarina Guttmannova, Assistant Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at UW's School of Social Work, investigating how to best adapt CTC for Native American communities.
Guttmannova and her collaborators evaluated the program's assessment tool and conclude that, by incorporating culturally specific risk and preventative factors, CTC can serve as a valuable resource for indigenous communities. Guttmannova notes: “While there is a tremendous amount of resilience in Native American communities, there is a lack of understanding of behavioral health concerns and protective factors for indigenous people. The CTC has the structure and tools to provide culturally competent prevention in Indian country.”
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Conferences & Calls for Papers
- Postdoctoral Researcher: “Early-Life Stressors and LifeCycle Health” The French Institute for Demographic Research (Deadline: 10/29/2018)
- Adjunct Lecturer: Geography SUNY Cortland (Open until filled)
- Assistant Professor: Urban/ Economic Geography University of California, Berkeley (Deadline: 10/22/2018)
- Assistant Professor of Sociology Stanford University (Deadline: 10/15/2018)
- Assistant Professor of Sociology University of California, Merced (Deadline: 10/2/2018)
- Tenure-Track Professor of Social Policy Indiana University, Bloomington (Open until filled)
- Assistant Professor of Gerontology University of Massachusetts, Boston (Open until filled)
- Provost’s Postdoctoral Fellow/Assistant Professor in Migration and Multicultural Societies University of Chicago (Open until filled)
- Consultancy: Statistician/Demographer UNICEF (Deadline: 9/28/2018)
- Assistant Professor of Sociology, Social Demography Western Washington University (Open until filled)
- Postdoctoral Fellow, Ohio Policy Evaluation Network (OPEN) University of Cincinnati (Open until filled)
- Assistant Professor – Infrastructure and Data Science Goldman School of Public Policy, University of California, Berkeley (Open until filled)
- Tenure-Track Assistant Professor in Demography McGill University (Deadline: 9/27/2018)
- Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Quantitative Human-Environment Science University of Colorado, Boulder (Open until filled)
Center for Studies in Demography and Ecology |
csde@uw.edu 206 Raitt Hall (206) 616-7743 |
UW Box 353412 Seattle, WA 98195-3412 |
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