November 13, 2018
CSDE Seminar Series
Symposium and Reception Honoring Professor Charles Hirschman – Looking Back to Find the Future: Reflections from Social Science for a Changing World
When: Friday, Nov 16, 2018 Symposium 12:30-5:30 PM Celebration immediately following 5:30-9:30 PM Where: Walker-Ames Room, Kane Hall
Join us in celebrating Professor Charles Hirschman’s distinguished achievements and contributions. We will be reflecting upon the same questions that have animated his career with:
- Deans Robert Stacey and Sandra Archibald
- Distinguished Visitors Patrick Heuveline, Maria-Giovanna Merli, Alejandro Portes, Kenneth Prewitt & Marta Tienda
- UW Professors Dan Chirot, Sara Curran, Mark Long, Celia Lowe & Katherine Stovel
Celebration Emcees: Professors Jerry Herting and Stew Tolnay
RSVP and share a tribute for Charlie here
CSDE Research & Highlights
CSDE Welcomes New Affiliates!
CSDE’s Executive Committee is pleased to introduce four of our new UW faculty affiliates:
- Rachel Berney – Assistant Professor, Urban Design & Planning. Berney focuses on the history and contemporary conditions of urbanism and development in the Americas, with an emphasis on public space and the public realm.
- Simon Stevenson – Chair & John and Rosalind Jacobi Family Professor of Real Estate. Stevenson’s primary research interests are real estate capital markets & portfolio management, housing economics, and international financial markets.
- James Young – Director, Washington Center for Real Estate Research. Young analyzes property markets worldwide, with a particular emphasis on market analysis, urban economics, and housing.
- Maria Bleil – Clinical Assistant Professor, Family and Child Nursing. Bleil takes a life course perspective in studying how individual- and environmental-level factors affect the timing and course of major reproductive events, as well as how such events shape risk for chronic disease development.
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Update to the Newer and Safer Wi-Fi Network
PSA: The University of Washington now recommends the “eduroam” Wi-Fi network on campus. The new network is more secure and features strong over the air (OTA) encryption. To set it up, you can access the SecureW2 installer on a variety of platforms (browse to this link on your device) or scan this QR image on your phone or tablet.
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CSDE in Shared Research Facilities and Resources Web Tool
The UW Office of Research has just launched a valuable new web tool, Shared Research Facilities and Resources. The tool offers an index of resources that include essential services, advanced instrumentation, and technical expertise needed for cutting-edge research. This searchable list of detailed profile pages can be found on the Collaboration Tab on the Research home page.
You can find CSDE’s equipment, facilities and research assistance listed here.
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Statistical Demography Class Offered This Spring
Demography students: Professor and CSDE Affiliate Adrian Raftery, Statistics & Sociology, will be teaching Statistical Demography (CSSS/STAT/SOC 563) this Spring 2019. The course covers statistical methods and models for estimating and forecasting population quantities and covers a variety of innovative topics, including probabilistic population projections and Bayesian hierarchical models.
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Demography Events
Conferences & Calls for Papers
- Research Coordinator Maryland Population Research Center (Deadline: 11/15/2018)
- Statistical Coordinator Maryland Population Research Center (Deadline: 11/15/2018)
- Experienced Research Coordinator/Data Manager Interface Demography, Vrije Universiteit, Brussels (Deadline: 11/15/2018)
- Junior Research Associate, Quantitative Social Science Research Interface Demography, Vrije Universiteit, Brussels (Deadline: 11/30/2018)
- Assistant Professor, Geography (Urban Inequality & Health Disparities) University of California, Santa Barbara (Deadline: 12/1/2018)
- Assistant Professor, Data Science and Public Policy/Management Evans School of Public Policy and Governance, UW (Deadline: 12/2/2018)
- Postdoctoral Scholars Data & Society (Deadline: 12/6/2018)
- Assistant Professor, Geography (GIScience) University of Connecticut (Deadline: 1/1/2019)
- Assistant Professor, Sociology (Data Analytics) Queen's College-City University of New York (Deadline: 1/15/2019)
Center for Studies in Demography and Ecology |
csde@uw.edu 206 Raitt Hall (206) 616-7743 |
UW Box 353412 Seattle, WA 98195-3412 |
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