CSDE Enjoys Holiday Spirit Boost with New Administrator’s Arrival!
Scott Kelly has joined CSDE’s team from Vanderbilt University where he served in research administration and program management roles from 2013-2018. A Certified Research Administrator accredited by the Research Administrators Certification Council, Scott serves as the primary administrative contact for grants and contracts through CSDE. Don’t hesitate to stop by his office in 206 Raitt Hall and say hello!
CSDE wishes all demographers out there happy holidays and a restful break (and success with final exams, if applicable). Our weekly newsletter will be back in January with more opportunities, events and research highlights!
CSDE Demographers Estimate the Impact of Proposed Changes to Public Charges for City of Seattle
CSDE’s Science Core Director Matt Hall, Research Affiliate and Geography Professor Mark Ellis, and graduate trainees Maria Vignau Loria and Christian Hess, Sociology, prepared demographic estimates of local populations impacted by proposed changes to immigration guidelines. As described in their report, changes to public charge guidelines will directly affect over 50,000 immigrants in Seattle and indirectly reach another 33,000 Seattleites. The City of Seattle was so pleased with their contribution it delivered this generous gift basket all the way to 206 Raitt!
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Congratulations to our Lightning Talks Champions!
Last Friday, six graduate students from Sociology, Statistics, Linguistics and Global Health presented on their demographic research at the Autumn 2018 CSDE Lightning Talks and Poster Session. Neal Marquez, Sociology, won the vote for his research titled “Segregation and Sentiment: Estimating Refugee Segregation and Its Effects Using Digital Trace Data.” He took home a Bookstore gift card, framed certificate and, most importantly, his very own CSDE mug!
CSDE thanks Ian Kennedy, Aimée Dechter and Kristian Haapa-aho for their incredible leadership and hard work putting the event together. And of course, all the presenters for their insightful posters and contributions to population science!
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PAA 2019 is Around the Corner
PAA has released information you need to get ready for the 2019 Annual Meeting, which will take place in Austin, TX, April 10-13. Follow the links to find out more about Registration, Hotel and Travel Information, Workshop & Mentoring Events Information, Exhibitor & Sponsors List, and Exhibitor and Sponsorship Opportunities.
Exciting new developments for PAA 2019 include 30 proposals for first-time Workshops, a dedicated flash session for practically every topic area, poster reviewer recruiting, a speed networking event, and sunrise yoga. More details about a dependent care program and volunteer opportunities will be available early next year.
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