Psychological Stress and Accelerated Reproductive Aging over the Life Course: Implications for Health and Disease in Women
When: Friday, Feb 15, 2019 (12:30-1:30 PM) Where: 121 Raitt Hall
Maria Bleil, Clinical Assistant Professor of Family and Child Nursing at the School of Nursing, will explore the significance of early life experiences in setting the stage for concomitant trajectories of ovarian aging and health over time. A woman’s reproductive life span is anchored around two principal events: puberty and menopause. Despite parallels in the psychosocial antecedents and health outcomes of earlier versus later pubertal and menopausal timing, to date, little work has attempted to integrate study findings from these largely disparate literatures.
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The Seattle Times Features Jennifer Otten’s Study on Minimal Wage Ordinance and Childcare Costs
CSDE Affiliate Jennifer Otten, Associate Professor of Environmental and Occupational Health Services, was lead author on a study that found that childcare facilities’ labor costs increased after the wage hikes. She looked at payroll data from 2014 and 2016 for about 200 businesses, surveyed 41 childcare directors three times, and interviewed 15 directors. Otten found that more than half saw their costs increase, often raising tuition and cutting staff hours or jobs as a response.
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Meet Dr. Chuan Liao at CSDE after “Spatial Science of Human-Environment Systems for Sustainable Development” Talk
UW’s Geography Department is hosting Dr. Chuan Liao's visit and talk entitled “Spatial Science of Human-Environment Systems for Sustainable Development” on Thursday, 2/14/2019, 3:30-5:00 PM in ECE 026. On Friday, 2/15/2019, CSDE is hosting a meeting with Dr. Liao at 11:30 AM-12:00 PM in 114 Raitt Hall. CSDE affiliates, scientists, and students are welcome to join us for both events and learn more about his research.
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Create a Research Website in the Next Computational Demography Working Group Meeting
For next week’s Computational Demography meeting, we’ll hold a tutorial on creating research websites. Websites can be useful to showcase and communicate information about particular research projects, working groups, or personal academic profiles more generally. The good news is, the same tools and skills we use for computational research (GitHub, R, etc.) can be repurposed to create websites supporting that work!
We’ll meet Thursday, 2/14/2019, from 12:00-1:30, in Raitt 114. Food will be provided, and all are welcome. The Computational Demography Working Group is co-sponsored by CSDE and eScience.
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The Biomarker Working Group Meets Tomorrow!
The next CSDE Biomarker Working Group meeting will be this Wednesday, February 13, 2:30 – 3:30 PM, in 114 Raitt Hall. We’ll discuss a recent review article relevant to recurring topics of discussion for our group: stress and allostatic load. This will be an informal discussion (with a brief overview of the article and the issues it raises for those who haven’t read it) and all are welcome.
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