May 15, 2019
CSDE Seminar Series
The Effects of the Emeryville Fair Workweek Ordinance on the Daily Lives of Low-Wage Workers and their Families
When: Friday, May 17, 2019 (12:30-1:30 PM) Where: 121 Raitt Hall
Anna Gassman-Pines, Associate Professor at the Duke University Sanford School of Public Policy, will present on the effects of the Fair Workweek Ordinance (FWO) implemented by Emeryville, CA in 2017. The policy aims to reduce workers’ schedule unpredictability by requiring large retail and food service employers to provide advanced notice of schedules and to compensate workers for last-minute schedule changes.
Please visit the seminar page to reserve a time to meet with Professor Gassman-Pines.
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CSDE Research & Highlights
Tim Thomas, Ott Toomet, and Ian Kennedy Help Shape Evictions Policy in Washington State
Governor Jay Inslee just signed Senate Bill 5600 into law, extending the evictions pay-or-vacate notice from 3-days to 14-days. The Washington Evictions Research Project (WAEV) provided groundbreaking empirical evidence for stakeholders and policymakers to pass this legislation through the house and senate.
Congratulations to CSDE Affiliates Tim Thomas, Postdoc in Sociology and the eScience Institute, and Ott Toomet, Faculty Lecturer in the iSchool, and CSDE Trainee Ian Kennedy, Graduate Student in Sociology, who were part of the research team! CSDE supported the project with material and staff assistance.
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Rachel Fyall Finds that Many UW Students Face Food and Housing Insecurity
CSDE Affiliate Rachel Fyall, Assistant Professor at the Evans School of Public Policy, is one of three investigators leading the study of food and housing insecurity at UW’s three campuses. While results are still being finalized, preliminary data from a 2018 online survey shows that an estimated 190 students may lack a stable place to live, and about one-quarter of students have recently worried about having enough to eat.
These results were featured by The Seattle Times, KOMO News, UW News, and UW's The Daily.
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Jane Lee Hosts Susan Cassels for “Population Mobility and the Geography of Sex for Men who Have Sex with Men”
CSDE Affiliate Jane Lee, Assistant Professor at the School of Social Work, is hosting Susan Cassels, Associate Professor of Geography and Research Associate in the Broom Center for Demography at the University of California-Santa Barbara, for a seminar on 5/21/2019, 11:00 AM-12:30 PM. Students are welcome to join Prof. Cassels for a luncheon following the seminar, at 12:30-1:30 PM (RSVP to Chloe at clotilde@uw.edu). Lee is hosting this seminar as part of a CSDE seed grant, which can be used to convene field experts and consultants.
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Call for Articles: RSF Issue on Wealth Inequality and Child Development
The Russell Sage Foundation Journal of the Social Sciences is receiving articles for an issue on “Wealth Inequality and Child Development: New Evidence for Policy and Practice.” The issue will be co-edited by CSDE Affiliate Heather Hill, Associate Professor at the Evans School of Public Policy, and Christina Gibson-Davis, from Duke University. Prospective contributors should submit a CV and an abstract of their study along with supporting material by June 24, 2019.
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Tell OBSSR About Your Social Science Research Accomplishments
The Office of Behavioral and Social Sciences Research (OBSSR) at NIH is seeking to create a list of social science research accomplishments which have resulted in substantial health improvements or insights. Between now and July 31, 2019 any and all accomplishments can be submitted to OBSSR through this link. Don’t forget to copy csde@uw.edu so we can also promote your accomplishments!
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Demography Events
- Longitudinal analyses of mortality reveals protective effects of adoption in historical Taiwan, Siobhán Mattison (CSSS Seminar, 5/15/2019)
- Working for Respect, Adam Reich (Sociology Colloquium, 5/16/2019)
- Public Information Infrastructures and Inequality after Disasters: Historical Perspectives, Megan Finn (WCPC Seminar, 5/20/2019)
- Challenging Border Confinement: Organized Labor, the Chicano Movement, and the Transborder Politics of Farmworker Healthcare, Michael D. Aguirre (Labor Studies Workshare , 5/22/2019)
- A Conversation on Climate Change, Himanshu Grover, David Layton, Sandra Archibald, Nives Dolšak (Panel, 5/23/2019)
- Sexual Orientation and Earnings in Japan: Findings from the 2019 Osaka City Survey, Daiki Hiramori (Labor Studies Workshare, 5/24/2019)
- The New Questionnaire of the Generations & Gender Survey: What are the innovations? (Webinar, 5/28/2019)
- Graduate Student Assistant, UW Honors Program (Deadline: 5/24/2019)
- Post-Doctoral Researcher, Quantitative Social Research LIVES, University of Lausanne, Switzerland (Deadline: 5/26/2019)
- Graduate Research Assistant UW Center for Evaluation & Research for STEM Equity (CERSE) (Deadline: 5/31/2019)
- Lectureship, Social Statistics & Demography Department of Social Statistics and Demography, University of Southampton (Deadline: 6/7/2019)
- Post-Doctoral Researcher Leverhulme Centre for Demographic Science, University of Oxford (Deadline: 6/7/2019)
- Assistant Professor/Departmental Research Lecturer Leverhulme Centre for Demographic Science, University of Oxford (Deadline: 6/7/2019)
- Post-Doctoral Fellow, Causes of Geographic Divergence in American Mortality Population Studies Center, University of Pennsylvania (Deadline: 6/30/2019)
- Post-Doctoral Fellow, Alcohol Research Group School of Public Health, University of California, Berkeley (Deadline: 6/30/2019)
- Post-Doctoral, Demography and Economics of Aging Aging Studies Institute (ASI), Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs, Syracuse University (Open until filled)
Center for Studies in Demography and Ecology |
csde@uw.edu 206 Raitt Hall (206) 616-7743 |
UW Box 353412 Seattle, WA 98195-3412 |
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