May 29, 2019
CSDE Seminar Series
The Effects of Social Mobility on Individuals: An Initial Sketch of a Positional Sociology
When: Friday, May 31, 2019 (12:30-1:30 PM) Where: 121 Raitt Hall
This Friday, cosponsored with the West Coast Poverty Center, Fabian Pfeffer will present on a novel non-parametric bounding approach to partially identify the effects of social mobility. Researchers have long sought to estimate the effects of intergenerational socioeconomic mobility on a range of individual outcomes. However, the empirical study of mobility effects faces a fundamental methodological challenge: The linear dependency among social origins (O), destinations (D), and social mobility (M = D − O), prohibits the use of conventional statistical methods to estimate the unique contributions of the three variables to any given outcome.
Please visit the seminar page to reserve a time to meet with Professor Pfeffer.
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CSDE Research & Highlights
Jacob Vigdor Comments on Seattle’s Entry-Level Workforce Shortage for The Seattle Times
The real story behind Seattle’s labor shortage, CSDE Affiliate and Professor at the Evans School Jacob Vigdor weighs in, “all boils down to what happens to housing.” This Monday, The Seattle Times published a story on the city’s high demand for entry-level workforce and employers’ difficulty in filling in positions such as in-home care providers. In spite of recent wage hikes and attractive benefits, Seattle is simply too expensive for entry-level workers.
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Anna Zamora-Kapoor Reviews Obesity Risk Factors for American Indians and Alaska Natives
CSDE Affiliate Anna Zamora-Kapoor, Assistant Research Professor at the Initiative for Research and Education to Advance Community Health (IREACH), Washington State University, conducted a systematic review of the literature on obesity risk factors for American Indians and Alaska Natives, soon to be published in Public Health.
Zamora-Kapoor searched PubMed titles and abstracts with combinations of relevant terms, limiting the review to articles with empirically testable claims about a variable associated with obesity, measuring obesity as a dependent variable, and providing data specific to American Indians and Alaska Natives.
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Join Us in Celebrating CSDE Fellows and Trainees!
As we close out the 2018-19 academic year, we’re excited to celebrate another successful year and recognize the achievements of CSDE Fellows and Trainees. Please join us in learning more about their accomplishments and celebrating our community at the End-of-Year Reception on Friday, 6/7/19 from 12:30-1:30 in Denny Hall 313. Students will also receive their certificates for completing the Graduate Certificate in Demographic Methods. CSDE Affiliates, Trainees, Staff, and anyone interested in joining the CSDE community are welcome to attend. There will be refreshments and a brief program.
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Racial Categories & 2020 Census Conference Next Week
The Center for Communication, Difference, and Equity, in partnership with CSDE, the Stice Fund, and the Women’s Center, is hosting an informative conference at the Samuel E. Kelly Ethnic Cultural Center that explores the historical, political, and social aspects of the US Census. The Keynote lecture, on 6/5/2019, 6:30 PM will feature G. Cristina Mora, Kim Williams, and Nazita Lajevardi on the historical and political impacts of the Census.
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Demography Events
- Inside the Velvet Sweatshop: Paradigms and Paradoxes of High-Tech Labor, Margaret O’Mara (Labor Workshare Series, 5/29/2019)
- Rewriting Violence: Risk Effects and the Targeting of Journalists in Mexico’s Criminal Conflict, Cassy Dorff (CSSS Seminar, 5/29/2019)
- Crisis Management & Informatics (Cybersecurity Series, 5/29/2019)
- Ethnic Bias in Criminal Sentencing in China, Yue Hou (JSIS Lecture, 5/30/2019)
- Conversation with Alex Counts, Founder, Grameen Foundation (Nancy Bell Evans Center on Nonprofits, 5/30/2019)
- The Governance of Public Pension Funds, Riddhi Mehta-Neugebauer (Labor Workshare Series, 6/7/2019)
Conferences & Calls for Papers
- Director, Wisconsin Child Welfare Professional Development System University of Wisconsin-Madison (Deadline: 6/30/2019)
- Assistant Professor, Sociology (Criminology, Corrections, Punishment) Whitman College (Deadline: 9/19/2019)
- Senior Research Program Coordinator Health Behavior & Society, Johns Hopkins University (Open until filled)
- Research Data Analyst, Homelessness and Health Center for Vulnerable Populations (CVP), Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital (ZSFG), University of California-San Francisco (Open until filled)
- Project Coordinator/Research Assistant, Malcolm Wiener Center for Social Policy, Harvard Kennedy School (Open until filled)
Center for Studies in Demography and Ecology |
csde@uw.edu 206 Raitt Hall (206) 616-7743 |
UW Box 353412 Seattle, WA 98195-3412 |
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