Enjoy the Summer!
As we wrap-up another academic year at CSDE, we look forward to summer projects and partnerships, which we will share more about over the next few weeks. With the summer schedule, our newsletters will arrive in your e-inbox every two weeks, but please do keep sending us your news stories, media mentions, publications, awards, events, job opportunities, and anything you would like to share with the CSDE community! You can always send your news items to csde@uw.edu.
Enjoy your summer - we hope it is all that you would like it to be. If you're in the neighborhood, please stop by Raitt 206 to say hello!
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Congratulations to the 2018-2019 Certificate in Demographic Methods Recipients
The following 8 CSDE students received the CSDE Graduate Certificate in Demographic Methods at last week’s end-of-year celebration:
- CSDE Trainee Cathea Carey, who will receive an MPH in Health Services Spring 2019. She will be a Research Coordinator for the Center of Innovation at the VA, in Seattle.
- CSDE Fellow Lee Fiorio, doctoral student in Geography, who was awarded best poster in the CSSS 20th Anniversary Conference and CSDE’s Winter Lightning Talks and Poster Session, and has received a Max Planck Institute of Demographic Research Graduate Fellowship.
- CSDE Trainee Emmi Obara, who is a doctoral student in Public Policy & Management.
- CSDE Fellow Tiffany Pan, who will receive a PhD in Biological Anthropology Summer 2019. She will be a Postdoctoral Fellow in the Department of Anthropology at the University of California-Santa Barbara.
- CSDE Trainee Emily Pollock, who is a doctoral student in Biological Anthropology.
- CSDE Trainee Rebecca Rebbe, who will receive a PhD in Social Welfare Spring 2019. She will be an Assistant Professor of Social Work at the University of Southern California.
- CSDE Trainee Francisco Rios Casas, who will receive an MS in Epidemiology Spring 2019. He will be an Evaluation Specialist at the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation, at UW.
- CSDE Fellow Hilary Wething, who is a doctoral student in Public Policy & Management.
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And Congratulations to CSDE Graduates and Students for Numerous Honors and Awards
We would also like to recognize CSDE Fellows and Trainees who are graduating, accepting jobs, and being recognized with a number of honors and awards:
- CSDE Trainee Christian Hess will receive a PhD in Sociology Summer 2019. He has received the SSSP (Society for Study of Social Problems) Graduate Student Paper Award for the Youth, Aging and Life-Course section. He will be a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Center for Urban Research and Education, in the Department of Public Policy and Administration, at Rutgers University-Camden.
- CSDE Trainee Alumnus Leah Isquith-Dicker received a PhD in Biological Anthropology Winter 2019. She will work in research or evaluation.
- CSDE Trainee Savannah Larimore will receive a PhD in Sociology Summer 2019. She will be a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Department of Sociology at Washington University in St. Louis.
- CSDE Fellow Christine Leibbrand will receive a PhD in Sociology Summer 2019. She received the College of Arts and Sciences Dean’s Medal for Most Outstanding Graduate Student in the Social Sciences, and will be an Acting Assistant Professor of Sociology at UW.
- CSDE Trainee Max McDonald will receive an MPA Spring 2019. He was awarded a Foreign Language Area Studies (FLAS) Fellowship for this Summer from the Southeast Asian Center at the UW Jackson School.
- CSDE Trainee Alumnus Chiho Song received a PhD in Social Welfare Winter 2019. He is working on a collaborative project titled "longitudinal analysis of refugee resettlement cities."
In addition,
- CSDE Trainee Erin Carll received the West Coast Poverty Center Dissertation Fellowship (Summer 2019) and the NSF Dissertation Improvement Award (pending official approval).
- CSDE Trainee Brenda Gellner was a participant in the Institute for Research and Poverty's and Howard University’s Center on Race and Wealth (CRW) Dissertation Proposal Workshop in Washington D.C. Spring 2019.
- CSDE Fellow Connor Gilroy received the UW Sociology Department Award for Outstanding Performance for the Master of Arts Degree.
- CSDE Trainee Bradley Kramer received an ITHS NIH TL1 Translational Research Training Program grant and is co-PI for a Patient Centered Outcomes Research Institute Implementation award through Public Health-Seattle & King County.
- CSDE Trainee Charles Lanfear received the UW Sociology Department Award for Excellence in Teaching.
- CSDE Trainee Yohan Min received the Clean Energy Institutes (CEI) Graduate Fellowship 2019-2020.
- CSDE Trainee María Vignau Loría will participate in the July 2019 Annual Summer Institute on Migration and Global Health, in Berkeley, CA.
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