Heather Hill, Jennifer Otten, and Noah Seixas Find High Rates of Depression Among Child Care Workers
CSDE Affiliates Heather Hill, Associate Professor at the Evans School of Public Policy, Jennifer Otten, Associate Professor of Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences, and Noah Seixas, Professor of Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences, examine the health of child care workers in a recent Health Affairs article. This research, recently featured in KNKX, is part of a multi-year study examining the effects of minimum wage increases on the health of childcare workers.
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Carey Farquhar Named UW School of Public Health Vice Dean for Education
Congratulations to CSDE Affiliate Carey Farquhar, Professor of Global Health, Epidemiology, and Medicine, for her appointment as the UW School of Public Health’s new Vice Dean for Education!
Among her duties, Carey will oversee curricula for degree programs, steer the School of Public Health through the accreditation process, arrange faculty training for new pedagogy, and represent the School while interacting with other UW institutions such as the newly formed Department of Health Metrics Sciences.
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David Swanson Pens Wall Street Journal Opinion on Immigration, the 2020 Census, and Federal Funding
CSDE Affiliate David Swanson, Professor Emeritus of Sociology at UC-Riverside, recently co-authored an op-ed for the Wall Street Journal in which he sheds light on the windfall of federal dollars that may be destined to localities where migrants are more likely to reside following new federal policies.
Data from the 2020 Census will direct billions of federal dollars to states and cities through more than 300 federal programs that allocate funding based on population count, including Medicaid, Medicare, Head Start, and federal nutrition assistance.
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CSDE to Co-Sponsor 2019 IAPHS Conference, “Local, National, Global Impacts on Population Health”
The Interdisciplinary Association for Population Health Science (IAPHS) will have its annual meeting right here in Seattle! CSDE is co-sponsoring the “Local, National, Global Impacts on Population Health” Conference, which will take place 10/1-10/4/2019 and bring together a wonderful community of population health scientists. Check out the program details and registration information.
Remember that if you are a CSDE Trainee, Fellow, or Affiliate, you can receive 20% off your membership. Contact Scott Kelly for more information and be sure to tell him your name and department.
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Tell NIH’s OBSSR About Your Social Science Research Accomplishments
NIH’s Office of Behavioral and Social Sciences Research (OBSSR) is seeking to create a list of social science research accomplishments which have resulted in substantial health improvements or insights. Between now and July 31, 2019 any and all accomplishments can be submitted to OBSSR through this link. Don’t forget to copy csde@uw.edu so we can also promote your accomplishments!
Also, remember that NIH program officers need to know about upcoming NIH-supported papers before they are published.
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Demography Events
Conferences & Calls for Papers
- Demographer Maul Foster & Alongi (MFA)/FLO Analytics (FLO), Portland, OR (Deadline: 7/24/2019)
- Research Assistant, Demography of Religion Pew Research Center, Washington DC (Deadline: 7/31/2019)
- Researcher, Demographic Change and World Population Federal Institute for Population Research (BiB), Wiesbaden, Germany (Deadline: 8/2/2019)
- Chief Statistician UNDP Human Development Report Office, New York (Deadline: 8/4/2019)
- Post-Doctoral Position, Southeast Asian Family Dynamic Study National University of Singapore (Deadline: 8/30/2019)
- Assistant Professor, Latinx Studies Department of Sociology, University of California-Davis (Deadline: 9/15/2019)
- Research Associate or Senior Researcher, Global Religious Demography Pew Research Center, Washington DC (Open until filled)