August 1, 2019
CSDE Research & Highlights
Amy Bailey to Join CSDE as a Visiting Scholar and Chair of the Seminar Series
We are thrilled to welcome CSDE Affiliate and Alumna Amy Bailey as a CSDE Visiting Scholar for the upcoming year! Amy earned her PhD and MA in Sociology at the University of Washington and is joining us from the University of Illinois at Chicago, where she is currently an Associate Professor of Sociology. Amy will be chairing the CSDE Seminar Series and is welcoming ideas and recommendations from the CSDE community (you can contact her here).
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CSDE Welcomes Accomplished Research Scientist Phil Hurvitz
Please join us in welcoming Phil Hurvitz to CSDE’s scientific team today! Phil will join us to lead the UWDC initiative as well as contribute to and support CSDE’s affiliates’ research and students’ training. Dr. Hurvitz’ scholarly accomplishments, expertise and experience offers an excellent addition and complement to CSDE’s scientific core staff. You can reach him here to talk about projects or say hello!
Phil most recently had a split position as Research Associate Professor in UW Urban Design and Planning and Research Scientist/Engineer at the Washington State Transportation Center (TRAC), working on research related to built environment and health-related behavior at the Urban Form Lab.
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Jennifer Romich and Mark Long Reflect on Lessons from Seattle’s $15 Minimum Wage
A recent Vox story on what Seattle has learned from having the highest minimum wage in the nation quoted CSDE Affiliates Jennifer Romich, Associate Professor at the School of Social Work, and Mark Long, Professor at the Evans School of Public Policy and Governance. The researchers explained findings from UW’s collaborative minimum wage studies regarding workers’ hours, take-home pay, business closures, and price of goods.
“The restaurant industry moans and groans about minimum wage increase, but the Seattle newspaper every month has a story about 40 new restaurants opening,” said Romich, remarking on business owners who threatened to leave Seattle but haven’t followed through.
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Students: Apply to be a Volunteer at the 2019 IAPHS “Local, National, Global Impacts on Population Health” Conference
The Interdisciplinary Association for Population Health Sciences (IAPHS) is accepting applications from students to serve as Meeting Volunteers, and get both a registration waiver and chance to meet and connect with other population health scientists!
CSDE is co-sponsoring the conference, which will take place in Seattle on 10/1-10/4/2019. If you are a CSDE Trainee, Fellow, or Affiliate, you can receive 20% off your membership. Check out the program details and registration information and contact Scott Kelly for membership and registration discount code.
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Demography Events
Conferences & Calls for Papers
- Graduate Student Mentor, Undergraduate Community-Based Internship Program (UCBI) Carlson Leadership & Public Service Center, UW (Deadline: 8/9/2019)
- Graduate Intern, Programming & Events HUB (Deadline: 8/9/2019)
- Post-Doctoral Research Fellows, Understanding Life Trajectories of Immigrants and Their Descendants in Europe and Projecting Future Trends (MigrantLife) University of St Andrews (Deadline: 9/4/2019)
- Assistant Professor, Migration and Development International Institute of Social Studies, Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR) (Deadline: 9/5/2019)
- Assistant Professor, Sociology (Criminology, Corrections, Punishment, and/or Crime) Whitman College (Deadline: 9/19/2019)
- Research Scientist, Firearm Injury & Policy Research Program Harborview Injury Prevention & Research Center, UW (Open until filled)
- Senior Research Program Coordinator, USAID STAR Program School of Public Health, Johns Hopkins University (Open until filled)
- Administrator Northwest Federal Statistical Research Data Center (near UW). Part-time US Census Position. Seeking Post-Master Grad Students/Recent Grad Degree Recipients (Open until filled)
Center for Studies in Demography and Ecology |
csde@uw.edu 206 Raitt Hall (206) 616-7743 |
UW Box 353412 Seattle, WA 98195-3412 |
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