As we move towards the end of another calendar year, I want to wish the entire CSDE community the very best during the winter break. Thank you everyone for your contributions to CSDE in this past year.
CSDE celebrated the end of the quarter with its Biannual Trainees’ Lightning Talks and Poster Session. I am deeply grateful to Emily Pollock for organizing the session, Jon Wakefield and Aimee Dechter for their work recruiting posters and managing the voting system, and Sehej Singh and David Fernandes for logistics, food, and publicity. The poster award winner is CSDE Trainee Claire Rothschild for her research titled Utility of Remotely Enrolling Women into Mobile Messaging Platform for Contraceptive Research. Her attractive poster, elegant study design, clear articulation of the research project, and important findings offer a cautionary tale about the possibilities of mobile messaging platforms for research in settings where access is far more complex than typically assumed.
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