November 8, 2016
CSDE Seminar Series
In honor of Veterans Day, there will be no CSDE Seminar this week.
The series will resume next Friday, 11/18, with a special panel on Big Data. Join us for a provocative discussion among leading demographers about the opportunities and pitfalls of big data for improving population health knowledge.
Panelists: Patrick Gerland, Chief of Mortality Section, Population Division, United Nations Thomas LeGrand, Department of Demography, University of Montreal Adrian Raftery, Department of Sociology & Department of Statistics, UW Emilio Zagheni, Department of Sociology & eSciences Institute, UW
CSDE Workshops
R Programming for Sample Size Calculations
When: Thursday, Nov 10, 2016 (10:30 AM - 12:30 PM PST) Where: University of Washington, Savery 121
This new CSDE workshop will be an introduction to R programming (e.g. writing functions, using loops) in the context of simple sample size and power calculations.
Prerequisite: The workshop assumes previous experience with R and RStudio.
Thursday November 10, 2016 10:30am – 12:30pm Savery 121
Visit the link below to register!
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CSDE Research & Highlights
Betty Bekemeier Publishes Research on Local Disease-Prevention Efforts
Betty Bekemeier, CSDE Affiliate and UW Assistant Professor of Psychosocial & Community Health, and Athena Pantazis, a CSDE Certificate Recipient, have published new findings from their health care research. The project examined the shifting battle against preventable disease at the local vaccination level. While the study was constrained by limited data, it both underscored the importance of maintaining accurate records in the field of public health and urged those involved to stay abreast of emerging opportunities for disease prevention.
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James Gregory on Seattle’s Deep-Rooted Segregation
James Gregory, CSDE Affiliate and UW Professor of History, was recently featured on seattlepi.com in a discussion of the city’s segregated foundations. Gregory explains how restrictive covenants prevented minorities from living in certain areas of Seattle. While the practice was outlawed in 1948, its impact on Seattle’s demography and layout persists today. Check out the full article for more on the covenants and the recovered loan maps that further divided the city along racial boundaries.
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VICE Talks Socioeconomic Targeting with Alexes Harris
CSDE Affiliate and UW Associate Professor of Sociology Alexes Harris recently shared her expertise on socioeconomic policing practices with VICE. Harris’s work, compiled in A Pound of Flesh: Monetary Sanctions as Punishment for the Poor, outlines the troubling practice of debtors’ prisons and the racial divides they can exacerbate. Coverage in Harris’s research and VICE’s editorials helps shed light on an often-overlooked snare in America’s criminal justice system. Read the full article below for more on the subject.
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Demography Events
Conferences & Calls for Papers
Center for Studies in Demography and Ecology |
csde@uw.edu 206 Raitt Hall (206) 616-7743 |
UW Box 353412 Seattle, WA 98195-3412 |
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