Is War Hard on the Heart? Gender, Wartime Stress and Late Life Cardiovascular Conditions in a Population of Vietnamese Older Adults
When: Friday, May 22, 2020 (12:30 - 1:30 PM) Where: Virtual via Zoom (Register with this link)
Kim Korinek from the University of Utah’s Department of Sociology and Asian Studies Program will present findings from a collaborative study about the associations between exposure to war and trauma and cardiovascular health conditions among Vietnamese older adults. In this research, Korinek seeks to better understand the association between early life exposure to war and trauma and older adult health status. Korinek finds that military service and war trauma are important determinants of older adult health, beyond the U.S. context, given the widespread waging of war and concentration of recent armed conflicts within developing societies.
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Population Health Initiative and CSDE Partner for 2nd Applied Research Fellowship Program
The Population Health Initiative and CSDE will partner again for a second Applied Research Fellowship program. CSDE Research Scientist and Acting Assistant Professor of Sociology Christine Leibbrand will direct the 10-weeks summer program will provide new population projections and insights to King County’s demographer and Public Health Seattle & King County’s Assessment, Policy Development Evaluation Unit. The interdisciplinary team of students includes Steven Bao (undergraduate in Geography and Germanics), Eileen Kazura (masters student in Public Health), Jessica Lapham (doctoral student in Social Work), Priya Sarma (undergraduate in Biochemistry), and Crystal Yu (doctoral student in Sociology). CSDE Trainee Neal Marquez (doctoral student in Sociology) will provide supporting direction to Christine Leibbrand.
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The Mather Institute Awards Clara Berridge a 2020 Bronze Award
The Mather Institute awarded a 2020 bronze award to CSDE Affiliate Clara Berridge, Julie Lima, Margot Schwartz, Christine Bishop and Susan Miller (Brown University) for their 2020 publication in JAMDA, “Leadership, Staff Empowerment, and the Retention of Nursing Assistants: Findings From a Survey of U.S. Nursing Homes.” The study team has donated the award money to the Pike Market Senior Center. A description of the study will be featured in a brief report written for a senior living audience, highlighting key findings and implications for operations. Click below to see a summary of the team's findings.
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Kam Wing Chan Featured in The Straits Times Article on Mass Migration and Covid-19 in China
CSDE Affiliate Kam Wing Chan's research about urbanization and migration was featured in a recent article in The Straits Times. The Straits Times quotes Chan, “The hukou system brings about social discrimination and exclusion that have become a major obstacle to China becoming a modern nation and global leader.” By featuring Chan’s research about the Hukou system, this news article demonstrates how lifting hukou restrictions for migrant workers will limit the social discrimination and cushion the slowing economic growth resulting from Covid-19.
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*New Population Health Initiative Call for Proposals
The Population Health Initiative has released a new funding call to support the university’s research community in responding to the array of economic-related challenges created by the pandemic. This round is intended to complement our earlier call for COVID-19 rapid response grants. Awards of up to $20,000 each are available for projects proposing novel research designed to better understand, mitigate, or reverse the economic impact of COVID-19 on multiple facets of life. We are interested in ideas that will either (1) quickly bring to bear new knowledge, or (2) that will allow work on a larger, longer-term project to begin immediately while the research team seeks the necessary external funding for the larger endeavor. CSDE is happy to provide in-kind resources as part of a match for interested faculty or research scientists submitting applications.
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Virtual PAA 2020 Continues with Demography of COVID-19 Panel on May 27 (10 am PDT)
PAA co-chairs Eileen Crimmins and Sara Curran will continue the PAA 2020 throughout the year. This event will feature demographers reflecting on the demography of COVID-19, including CSDE Affiliate Steven Goodreau. For more details visit the PAA’s announcement here.
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Updates to Return to In-Person Research Plans
On Monday, Governor Jay Inslee released updated guidance for educational activities for Phase 1, along with new requirements from the L&I Board. In addition, King County issued new guidance on face coverings. All of these mandated updates will necessitate some changes to research plans and policies. Listed below are the changes.
- Face coverings. On 5/11/20 King County released new guidelines regarding face coverings. The UW has released guidance for the university...
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