Daniel Promislow Quoted in NYT Article on Dog Aging
CSDE Affiliate Daniel Promislow is quoted in a New York Times article titled “Old Dogs, New Research and the Secrets of Aging.” Promislow explains how because dogs also suffer from similar ailments as humans, such as obesity, arthritis, hypothyroidism, and diabetes, they make a good animal to model human aging and mortality. Promislow co-directs the Dog Aging Project, which is following thousands of dogs over their lifetime to understand how genes, lifestyle, and environment influence aging (anyone can nominate their dog). CSDE Research Scientist Matt Dunbar directs the Data and Analysis Core for this study and is responsible for designing and implementing the study’s data collection systems (surveys, biological samples, vet medical records, etc.), the study participant web portal, and Google Cloud Platform-based research data repository.
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Join the PAA Webinar On Mortality Impact Of Covid-19 on November 19 at 11am
On November 19th, PAA will conduct a webinar series “The Mortality Impact of Covid-19“, organized by Eileen Crimmins, Sara Curran, M. Giovanna Merli. Jenn Dowd and Pam Herd. Register here. You can also watch live on PAA’s YouTube Channel. Presentations include:
Reductions in 2020 US life expectancy due to COVID-19 and the disproportionate Impact on the Black and Latino Populations? Theresa Andrasfay and Noreen Goldman
Assessing the Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic on US Mortality: A County-Level Analysis Andrew C. Stokes, Dielle J. Lundberg, Katherine Hempstead, Irma T. Elo, Samuel H. Preston
COVID-19 Death Rates by Age and Sex and Mortality Vulnerabilities of Countries and Regions in the World Christophe Z. Guilmoto
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Census Showcases New Data Platform in Webinar on November 19 at 11am
Join the Census Bureau’s presentation about its new data platform on new code releases, new available data sets, new features and functionality. The data platform will improve the user experience by making data available from one centralized place, so that data users spend less time searching for data and content, and more time using it. You can learn more about the platform here and register for the event here.
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Celebrate the Launch of the UW Data Science Minor
The UW’s new Data Science Minor is ready for launch and you’re invited to celebrate the event on Thursday, November 19 from 6-9pm. The event, entitled Creating, Connecting and Computing, includes several CSDE affiliates: Clair Yang, LaShawnDa Pittman, and Zack Almquist. CSDE Trainee Emily Pollock is also presenting her research, which is supported by CSDE’s new T32 Training Grant in Data Science. You can learn more about the event here. Registration is free and you can sign-up here.
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*NEW* Call for Demographic Methods Certificate Trainees, Deadline December 4th at 5pm
CSDE’s Graduate Training Program is now accepting applications from graduate students who would like to pursue training in demographic research by becoming a CSDE. In addition to receiving excellent training in Demography, trainees also gain access to CSDE’s computing and research resources, opportunities to apply for competitive fellowships, and mentorship opportunities. Of note is that the course requirements for the Certificate Program have significantly decreased this year, and the Certificate is now more accessible than ever to complete! We welcome students in any PhD or Master's program, including terminal/professional Master's degree programs to apply. Contact Christine Leibbrand with any questions.
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*NEW ALERT* PAA 2021 Will Be Virtual
At their November meeting last week, the PAA Board of Directors voted unanimously to hold the 2021 annual meeting as a virtual conference. The Board decided that moving PAA 2021 from St. Louis to a virtual format was the best option and facilitates the most effective way to showcase our research and engage with one another in the context of a pandemic. PAA 2021 will begin on Wednesday, May 5th, so that sessions can be properly spaced out to combat screen fatigue, and will have live sessions, workshops, networking opportunities, and the Presidential Address and Awards Ceremony. Registration for PAA 2021 will open in early December.
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*NEW* Population Health Initiative Call for Proposals
The Population Health Initiative has launched its call for pilot grants due to PHI by January 29, 2021. These pilot grants are intended to encourage the development of new interdisciplinary collaborations among investigators for projects that address critical challenges to population health. CSDE is happy to support these initiatives with in-kind resources for research consultations and time, logistics, lab help, survey development, or access to computing resources. We can provide a letter of support that values that support for you, as part of a match. In some cases, we may be able to provide dollar support, up to $5,000, if the grant also aligns with our center grant mission. Please submit your requests to our seed grant portal. If you have questions, contact Sara Curran, Steve Goodreau or Scott Kelly.
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CSDE Affiliates Plan NOW for an NIH Population Dynamics Branch Research Application! Calling all UW demographers, population scientists, and population health scientists. CSDE strongly encourages you to consider preparing applications (larger ones (R01) or smaller ones (R21/R03) or career awards (K’s) or conference grants (R13s) or small training workshops (R25)) to the Population Dynamics Branch! The Population Dynamics Branch has a broad social science mandate that includes research, data collection, and research training in demography, reproductive health, and population health. Any research captured by CSDE’s Primary Research Areas is eligible, including: Population and Environment, Migrations and Settlements, Health of People and Populations, Demographic Methods and Measurements, Wellbeing of Families and Households. Upcoming due dates are the standard ones for NIH, which are primarily in early to mid February. The scientific review panels for PDB are comprised of social scientists, demographers, and reproductive health scientists. There are typically two panels where your research proposal will be sent, including SSPA and SSPB. Contact CSDE for more details about your applications. We’re happy to support your applications, including offering mock reviews!
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