CSDE Alum Michelle O’Brien Publishes Study On COVID-related Border Closures And Migration
CSDE Alum Michelle O’Brien, along with co-author Maureen Eger (UW Sociology alum), in a recent issue of International Migration Review evaluate the impact of COVID-related border closures and international migration. They argue that the impact of 2020 border closures (initially implemented to halt movement and curb the spread of COVID-19) will nonetheless have medium- and longer-term consequences for international migration. Based on prior evidenced patterns, they posit that following extended suppression of migration, OECD countries and Russia will see a migration spike, akin to a “baby boom” for fertility rebounds. Drawing on sociological theory and research, they hypothesize that these spikes in migration will increase anti-immigrant sentiment among native-born residents in destination countries and mobilize political support for reintroducing restrictions — triggering a feedback loop. To read the article click here.
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CSDE Welcomes Carlos Becerra as NWFSRDC Administrator
Carlos Becerra joins the CSDE team as the new Northwest Federal Statistics Research Data Center (NWFSRDC) administrator at the University of Washington. Becerra holds an M.S. in Community Development from UC Davis, where he is also a PhD candidate in Geography. He has experience using the ACS, CPS, and Census Decennial data. As an RDC Administrator, he will place particular attention to outreach strategies to attract researchers from underrepresented groups inside and outside academia so that they enjoy the benefits of accessing the wealth of data available at the RDCs. There are four types of data available: demographic data, economic data, linked business and household data, public health data. If you are interested in working in the NWFSRDC, don’t hesitate to contact Carlos or CSDE Executive Committee Member and CSDE Affiliate Mark Ellis.
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New Datasets Available From The UW Data Collaborative!
The UWDC is a collaborative research infrastructure at CSDE that seeks to make highly secure data available for UW researchers. Think of it as the equivalent of a ‘cold room’ in a virtual environment! The UW Data Collaborative has acquired several new data sets. These include:
These data join other data currently housed on the UWDC. For additional information, including how to access these and other data sets stored on the UWDC, please see http://dcollab.uw.edu/ or e-mail dcollab@uw.edu.
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American Community Survey (ACS) Data Users Group Invites New Members
IPUMS Invites Participants to its Workshop on Multigenerational Longitudinal Panel!
Join the IPUMS Multigenerational Longitudinal Panel (MLP) team for a virtual half-day workshop on December 16th on this new resource linking full count U.S. censuses. The workshop will include a review of the currently available data, description of the approach for generating them, background on the project and future goals, as well as a demonstration of how to create a longitudinal dataset using IPUMS MLP. Register to join or visit the IPUMS events page to learn more about the workshop.
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*NEW* COVID Data Releases Now Available Through IPUMS Current Population Survey
IPUMS CPS has released supplemental COVID-19 measures included in basic monthly data for May-October of 2020, as well as data from the October basic monthly survey, May 2019 Tobacco Use Supplement, June 2019 Un(der)banked Supplement, and 1985 Immunization Supplement.
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*Don’t Miss* CSDE’s Fall 2020 Lightning Talks and Poster Session!
Mark your calendars for December 11th, 2020 at 12:30 PM for CSDE’s Fall 2020 Lightning Talks and Poster Session. Six graduate students from the Evans School of Public Policy and Governance, Political Science, College of Built Environments and Sociology are eager to present their research in two-minute lightning talks and discuss their work with you during poster presentations. The session will take place on Zoom. You are sure to learn something new from the these very interesting presentations, which will cover a wide range of key topics in population science.
Come mingle with colleagues, meet the next generation of population scientists, vote on the best poster, and support CSDE's trainees!
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CSDE Affiliates Plan NOW for an NIH Population Dynamics Branch Research Application! Calling all UW demographers, population scientists, and population health scientists. CSDE strongly encourages you to consider preparing applications (larger ones (R01) or smaller ones (R21/R03) or career awards (K’s) or conference grants (R13s) or small training workshops (R25)) to the Population Dynamics Branch! The Population Dynamics Branch has a broad social science mandate that includes research, data collection, and research training in demography, reproductive health, and population health. Any research captured by CSDE’s Primary Research Areas is eligible, including: Population and Environment, Migrations and Settlements, Health of People and Populations, Demographic Methods and Measurements, Wellbeing of Families and Households. Upcoming due dates are the standard ones for NIH, which are primarily in early to mid February. The scientific review panels for PDB are comprised of social scientists, demographers, and reproductive health scientists. There are typically two panels where your research proposal will be sent, including SSPA and SSPB. Contact CSDE for more details about your applications. We’re happy to support your applications, including offering mock reviews! (read more)