November 29, 2016
CSDE Seminar Series
CSDE Trainee Special Seminar: Lightning Talks & Poster Session
When: Friday, Dec 2, 2016 (12:30 - 1:30 PM PT) Where: University of Washington, Research Commons, Allen Library South
Come meet eight of CSDE’s Graduate Students and learn about their cutting-edge research and latest demographic insights. The newest members of UW’s population science community are eager to connect their work across disciplines and to translate their findings for basic and applied research impact.
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NEXT WEEK (Dec 9): Mark Hayward, Professor of Sociology at UT Austin, "Do Recent Declines in U.S. Life Expectancy Signal Bad News for Healthy Life Expectancy?"
CSDE Research & Highlights
Brad Foster Successfully Defends Dissertation
Please join us in congratulating Dr. T. Brad Foster, former CSDE Fellow, on the successful defense of his dissertation, Rooted or Stuck? The Causes and Consequences of American Mobility Decline. Brad’s committee includes Stew Tolnay, Jerry Herting, Mark Ellis (GSR), and Kyle Crowder. Dr. Foster recently presented his work at a CSDE Seminar as well. Congratulations on the achievement!
Read on to learn more about Dr. Foster and his research.
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Daniel Promislow Publishes Findings on Dog Breed Morbidity
Daniel Promislow, CSDE Affiliate and UW professor in the departments of Pathology and Biology, recently published findings on age-related disease in canines. The study aims to understand how aging contributes to multiple diseases and morbidities across dog breeds. While afflictions mounted with age across the sample group, Promislow and his associates found breeds’ age-related patterns of morbidity differ surprisingly little.
Dogs are increasingly viewed as useful models for studying human aging, so work of this nature could lead to further insight into our own health trajectories.
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Demography Events
Center for Studies in Demography and Ecology |
csde@uw.edu 206 Raitt Hall (206) 616-7743 |
UW Box 353412 Seattle, WA 98195-3412 |
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