CSDE Co-Sponsors ’Sparking Climate Connections’ Lightning Talks with UW EarthLab
CSDE Affiliates are invited to sign up to give a brief talk about how their research connects relates to climate change at UW EarthLab’s December 1st event ‘Sparking Climate Connections: UW Lightning Talks on Climate Change’ . Lightning talk video presentations will be accepted on a rolling basis until noon on Thursday, November 17. The registration portal is the go-to place to submit a recorded lightning talk, sign up to view the lightning talks and RSVP to the in-person evening networking reception at the Douglas Forum at the Foster School of Business.
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Russell Sage Foundation Letter of Intent Due November 9
The Russell Sage Foundation has several relevant funding programs that may be of interest to a large number of CSDE affiliates. Their funding programs include: Behavioral Science and Decision Making in Context; Future of Work; Immigration and Immigrant Integration; Race, Ethnicity and Immigration; Social, Political, and Economic Inequality. LOIs are due November 9! Let CSDE know if we can be helpful!
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Postdoctoral Fellowships Now Available at UNC’s Carolina Population Center
The Carolina Population Center at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill is inviting applications for a postdoctoral position funded as part of its NICHD-funded T32 population science training program. The overall goal of the program is to create a cadre of future leaders in social science and public health disciplines with the subject matter expertise, interdisciplinary orientation, population perspective, and data skills to address and have an impact on pressing issues in demography, population health, and reproductive health. for details visit the application page.
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*November 1* UW Data Science Seminar: Planet and Data Access through NASA SmallSatUW Data Science Seminar: Planet and Data Access through NASA SmallSat
If you have any interest in data from NASA, join on Tuesday, November 1st at 4:30 PM to hear Planet’s Director of Strategic Science Initiatives Dr. Tanya Harrison who will be presenting at the UW Data Science Seminar. Dr. Harrison’s talk entitled ” Introduction to Planet and Data Access through the NASA Commercial SmallSat Data Acquisition (CSDA) Program” is sure to be one you don’t want to miss!
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*November 4* Developing Our Public Voice on Mass Media & Social Media: Hosted by Demographers of Color & Allies
On November 4, you are invited to join demographers and students from all backgrounds for a conversation about about developing a public voice. The Demographers of Color Collective is hosting the conversation will be 10am-11:30am (Pacific time) via a zoom panel of experts on how to engage in mass media and social media. The zoom link is: https://berkeley.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJUkc-msqzkpEtS3SXrCtrZLtMTwalriddET
This virtual panel discussion features PhD demographers of color and allies who know about engagement with media and journalists. Panelists will share about their career, life experiences, and advice. Join this event for a sincere discussion of pivots, resilience, and hope.
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