CSDE Science Core: Winter Workshops (Biomarkers, REDCap, Intro to Unix, Intro to Bayesian Statistics)
Each quarter, CSDE offers 3-5 workshops on data sources, statistical and biomarker methodology, introductions to analysis programs, and more, all given by CSDE staff and faculty affiliates. These workshops can include hands-on training in novel methods and programming, lectures on innovative data sources, and discussions of important issues in research and data collection. This winter the workshops will cover Biomarkers in the Social Sciences (2/2/23), Basics of REDCap Survey and Project Design (2/9/23), Introduction to the UNIX/Linux Shell (2/23/23), and Intro to Bayesian Statistics - Inference (3/2/23).
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Register for CSSCR Workshops this Quarter!
The Center for Social Science Computation and Research is offering a variety of workshops that can help you expand your academic toolkit! The first of which is an introduction to R using Rstudio on January 23rd, 2023, with many others to follow described in their newsletter here. You can sign up for any of these workshops here, and if you’re interested in utilizing CSSCR for services they are available from 8am-5pm in Savery Hall 119.
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NIH Data Management and Sharing Policy Required By 1/25/23
As of January 25, 2023 NIH grant applications will be required to include a data management and sharing plan for any research products generated during the grant period. The UW’s Office of Research has prepared an excellent resource page for meeting this new requirement. If you need any research infrastructure support to meet the needs of your projects and the expectations of the data management and sharing plans, don’t hesitate to contact any of us at CSDE for that kind of support.
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NIH Paper Competition Award (Due 1/14/2023)
The NIH Office of Behavioral and Social Sciences Research is accepting applications for their Early Stage Investigators (ESI) Paper Competition for emerging scientists whose research reflect excellence in health-related behavioral and social sciences. The competition has been open since January 2nd, and submission deadline is January 14th, 2023. To apply for this opportunity see more information here!
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*New* RFP from Guttmacher Institute on A New Social and Economic Case For Investing in Family Planning (Due 1/15/2023)
Between 2022 and 2025, the Family Planning Impact Consortium (FP-Impact) will conduct a research, modeling and dissemination project centered on how support for women’s family planning intentions provides a path to women’s empowerment and economic development. The core research and modeling team is made up of the Guttmacher Institute, the African Institute for Development Policy (AFIDEP), Harvard University, the Institute for Disease Modeling (IDM) and Avenir Health.
FP-Impact aims to use a model-based approach to generate and disseminate robust,
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Population and Social Data Science Summer Program (Due 1/15/2023)
The Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research (MPIDR) is inviting applications for a summer research visit opportunity! The goal of the program is to enable discovery by bringing together data scientists and population scientists interested in projects of broad societal relevance. The program takes place over three months will students will be expected to work in small teams towards a common research goal alongside experienced mentors. The primary research goal this summer is focused on forecasting,
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Request for Proposals EarthLab Innovation Grants (Due 1/26/2023)
The 2023 Cohort Request for Proposals (RFP) process is seeking proposals from teams of community members, researchers, and students across the University of Washington to co-produce actionable science and knowledge at the intersection of climate change and social justice. The maximum funding request is $75,000 over 17 months.
Letters of Intent are due January 26, 2023 at 5:00pm PT. Applicants invited to submit a full proposal will be notified by February 15,
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Request for Proposal: Research on Federal Nutrition Assistance Programs (Due 1/30/2023)
The Research Innovation and Development Grants in Economics (RIDGE) Partnership has issued a Request for Proposals (RFP) for research on federal nutrition assistance programs. Funding will support innovative research on nutrition assistance programs and looks to broaden the network of researchers applying their expertise to USDA topics. This grant program seeks applications from a diverse community of experienced nutrition assistance researchers, early career scholars, and established researchers who are new to nutrition assistance research. Proposals are due Jan.
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Scholarships Available for ICPSR for Statistics, Methods, and Data Analysis Training (Due 2/1/23)
The Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR) is offering a summer program in quantitative methods with more than $150,000 in student scholarships every year! These scholarships provide fee waivers to attend their 2023 summer sessions that take place over three weeks where students can be expected to learn foundational training in research methods, including computation, formal theory, basic stats, regression analysis, and specialized training in a diverse array of cutting-edge methodological techniques.
Applications begin December 5th,
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*New* Applications Are Open for CBE Inspire Fund! (Due 2/1/2023)
The CBE Inspire Fund, funded through Research Cost Recovery as well as the Applied Research Consortium, is designed to support research activities for which a relatively small amount of support can be transformative. This may include work that is traditionally underfunded, or that done by scholars who are members of groups currently underrepresented in our college. Inspire Fund proposals may request awards between $1,000 and $5,000. We anticipate awarding up to $21,000 in this funding cycle.
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Call for Applications to the Graduate Student Research Workshop on Poverty and Economic Mobility (Due 2/1/23)
Howard University’s Center on Race and Wealth and the Institute for Research on Poverty at UW-Madison seek applications for their Graduate Student Research Workshop on Poverty and Economic Mobility. This week-long workshop, held at Howard University in Washington, D.C., is aimed at pre-proposal doctoral students in the social sciences studying topics related to poverty or inequality in the United States who are from groups that are underrepresented in academia.
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Call for Applications: NextGenPop Undergraduate Program in Population Research (2/1/2023)
Consider this great opportunity with NextGenPop!
NextGenPop is an undergraduate program in population research that aims to increase the diversity of the population field and nurture the next generation of population scholars. The program includes a 2-week, in-person, on-campus summer experience and subsequent virtual components focused on research and professional development. This summer 2023, 15 undergraduate students will be hosted by Cornell University in Ithaca, NY,
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Applications Available for Junior Scholar Intensive Training! (Due 2/8/23)
Howard University’s Center on Race and Wealth (CRW) and the Center for Financial Security (CFS) at the University of Wisconsin–Madison annually conduct the Junior Scholar Intensive Training (JSIT) Summer Workshop. This week-long workshop, from June 12 – 16, 2023 , held at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, brings together PhD students, newly graduated PhD researchers, and junior faculty who are interested in topics related to disability and retirement research in the United States.
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Apply for UWRA Scholarships and Fellowships in Aging! (Due 2/15/2023)
UW students are invited to apply for the 2022-2023 cycle of UWRA Scholarships and Fellowships in Aging.
These awards are available to students in any field who are pursuing research or preparing for careers related to aging. More information can be found here: http://www.washington.edu/uwra/about/scholarships-fellowships-in-aging/
-Applications for the UWRA Scholarship in Aging must be submitted by February 15. The application form can be both found and submitted here: http://uw.edu/uwra/scholarship-application/.
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NIH Notice of Special Interest Grant: Research and Capacity Building Efforts Related to Bioethical Issues (Due 2/17/2023)
The NIH Office of Science Policy (OSP) within the Office of the Director (OD) announces the availability of administrative supplements to support 1) research on bioethical issues to develop or support the development of an evidence base that may inform future policy directions, and/or 2) certain efforts to develop or augment bioethics research capacity. Applicants may propose to supplement parent awards focused on bioethics or to address a component related to bioethics in a biomedical and/or health-related behavioral research study.
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Summer Institute in Migration Research Methods at UC Berkeley (Due 3/1/2023)
The 2023 Berkeley Interdisciplinary Migration Institute is hosting its fifth summer institute. Next summer it will focus on interviewing for migration research. Several UW faculty and students have participated over the years and it has proven to be an important and productive program. Here is a link to the program details.
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Call for Panel Submissions for IAPHS Fall Conference (Due 3/6/2023)
The Interdisciplinary Association for Population Health Science (IAPHS) will be hosting it’s Fall conference on “Gender, Sexuality, and Health Across the Life Course: Current Challenges and Opportunities for Population Health and Health Equity”. Groups of individuals are invited to submit panels that will present original research or engage in innovative discussions that push the boundaries of population health science, practice, theory, methods, student training, or technological innovations (or a combination of these) around a significant issue related to population health.
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*New* Buillitt Environmental Fellowship Opportunity! (Due 4/1/2023)
The application for graduate students attending school in British Columbia, Washington State, and Oregon to apply for the 2023 Bullitt Environmental Fellowship will open on January 1st.
The Foundation awards this two-year, $100,000 Fellowship annually to one graduate student who has overcome adversity, can demonstrate strong leadership potential, and is focused on work to safeguard the natural environment by promoting responsible human activities and sustainable communities in the Emerald Corridor,
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Get Ready to Attend the 20th Annual West Coast Nonprofit Data Conference! (4/21/2023)
The 20th Annual West Coast Nonprofit Data Conference will take place from April 21-22nd, 2023 at the School of Planning, Public Policy and Management, University of Oregon. Proposals for the conference are due February 10th, 2023.
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