October 1, 2019
CSDE Seminar Series
Autumn 2019 Opening Reception
When: Friday, Oct 4, 2019 (12:30PM - 1:30PM) Where: 313 Denny Hall
Come celebrate the start of the year with CSDE! Catch up with your colleagues, meet new affiliates, fellows, and trainees, and find out what is new at CSDE. Refreshments provided. Also, reception participants can enter a raffle to win one of five CSDE mugs! For a full schedule of this autumn’s seminar schedule, you can click here for a pdf version.
Please note the different location for the reception: 313 Denny Hall
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CSDE Research & Highlights
Message from CSDE Director, Sara Curran
Welcome to the 2019 academic year. At CSDE we are looking forward to a productive year with lots of events, seminars, working groups, and collaborative initiatives. Our seminar series for this autumn will be an engaging one. We’re delighted that one of our visiting scholars, Amy Bailey (visiting from the University of Illinois at Chicago), is chairing this year’s seminar series. You can download a printable PDF calendar. Some highlights for this autumn include: CSDE Affiliate Professor Karen Fredriksen Goldsen (UW School of Social Work) speaking about her team’s research concerning aging within the LGBTQ community,
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Congratulations to Participants in CSDE’s Grant Writing Workshop
Congratulations to CSDE’s 2019 summer grant writing program participants including Professor Arthur Acolin (College of Built Environment), Dr. Avanti Adhia (Harborview Injury Prevention and Research Center), Dr. Engi Attia (School of Medicine), Marlaine Figueroa Gray (Kaiser Permanente), Jessica Jones-Smith (School of Public Health), and Melanie Martin (Department of Anthropology). These early-career scholars were mentored by program director, Professor Kyle Crowder (Department of Sociology) and senior mentors, including Professor David Grembowski (Department of Health Services), Professor Adrian Dobra (Department of Statistics),
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PAA 2020 Deadline Extended
Due to the MiraSmart submissions website crash, the deadline for submissions to the PAA 2020 Annual Meeting is extended to Wednesday, Oct. 2, at 10:00am ET.
For more information, please visit the PAA 2020 web page.
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Anjum Hajat and Ali Rowhani-Rahbar Examine Changes in Firearm Behavior Among Gunshot Wound Patients
CSDE affiliate Anjum Hajat, Assistant Professor of Epidemiology and CSDE Affiliate Ali Rowhani-Rahbar, Professor of Epidemiology co-authored a recent article that examines changes in firearm-related behaviors among nonfatal gunshot wound (GSW) patients following their injury.
In the article, published in the Journal of Behavioral Medicine Issue 4, the authors analyze survey data on firearm-related behaviors from an ongoing randomized control trial of GSW patients to find and describe changes in behavior.
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Karen Fredriksen Goldsen Discusses Research and Upcoming LGBTQ Events with KCPQ
CSDE Affiliate Karen Fredriksen-Goldsen, Professor of Social Work and Director of UW Healthy Generations Center, was featured in a live broadcast on KCPQ regarding her recent research on LGBTQ cohorts and two upcoming LGBTQ events in Seattle.
The research she discussed, funding by National Institute on Health (NIH), focuses on how LGBTQ elders are facing disparities, specifically in the state of Washington. These elders are found to be socially isolated and often feel as if they must hide their sexuality in order to receive adequate social services.
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Demography Events
Conferences & Calls for Papers
- Postdoc Training Opportunities at Harvard Center for Population and Development Studies (Deadline: 12/2/2019)
- Graduate Student Research Assistant Position UW Department of Construction Management (Deadline: 10/1/2019)
- Multiple Openings at the Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research (MPIDR)
- Sustainability Science Researcher (Social Responsibility) Amazon.com, Inc. - Seattle, WA
- Center Supervisor Center for International Social Science Research, University of Chicago
- Assistant Professor, Medical Sociology, Health, Migration Department of Sociology, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (Deadline: 10/15/2019)
- Assistant Professor, Criminology, Law and Society Department of Sociology, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (Deadline: 10/15/2019)
Center for Studies in Demography and Ecology |
csde@uw.edu 206 Raitt Hall (206) 616-7743 |
UW Box 353412 Seattle, WA 98195-3412 |
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