January 28, 2020

CSDE Seminar Series

The Health of Undocumented Latinx Immigrants: What We Know and Future Directions for Research

     When:  Friday, Jan 31, 2020 (12:30 - 1:30 PM)
     Where:  121 Raitt Hall

Undocumented Latinx immigrants experience unique factors prior to migration, during migration, and after migration that subsequently shape their health. This Friday, CSDE Affiliate and Executive Committee Member India Ornelas from the UW Department of Health Services in the School of Public Health will summarize the limited but growing literature highlighting how exposure to trauma, immigration enforcement, changes to social networks, and discrimination negatively affect the mental and physical health of undocumented Latinx immigrants. Ornelas will also discuss how policies can promote such immigrants’ health and directions for future research including the use of interdisciplinary approaches and intersectional frameworks to address health inequities.

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CSDE Research & Highlights

Heather D. Hill and Scott W. Allard Selected as Russel Sage Foundation Visiting Scholars

The Russell Sage Foundation (RSF) announced the selection of 17 Visiting Scholars for the 2020-2021 academic year, including CSDE Affiliates Heather D. Hill and Scott W. Allard. While in residence at RSF in New York City, Hill will write a book documenting the experiences of low-wage workers in Seattle during the early twenty-first century as the city experienced rapid population and job growth, skyrocketing costs of living, and a new minimum wage ordinance. Allard will work on several related projects that examine changing geographical trends in poverty and safety net availability across urban, suburban, and rural America. You can read more about the projects and initiatives that Hill and Allard will work on as RSF visiting scholars here.

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Heather Hill and Scott Allard

The Evictions Study Releases New Interactive Map that Demonstrates Severe Racial Disparities in Evictions

The UW and UC Berkeley’s Evictions Study, a project supported by CSDE, has made great strides in finding empirical data on the effects of evictions. Last week, the study’s principal investigator and CSDE Affiliate Tim Thomas released an interactive map designed by Alex Ramiller that visually demonstrates how communities of color are disproportionately facing the highest relative risk of eviction rates across Washington State. In the map, Thomas and his collaborators show that as King County evictions concentrate in southern suburbs, Snohomish and Pierce Counties have concentrations in the urban cores and nearby outskirts of Everett and formerly redlined areas of Tacoma—these are also the most racially diverse neighborhoods in each of these counties.

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NIH ORWH Science Policy Scholar Travel Award for the Organization for the Study of Sex Differences (OSSD) 2020 Annual Meeting

Does your research focus on women’s health or sex and gender differences? If it does, the OSSD Annual Meeting is coming up May 4-7 in Marina del Rey, CA. NIH ORWH (Office of Research on Women’s Health) will offer travel awards to support two junior investigators whose research focuses on this topic! ORWH requests that interested investigators submit an abstract on a policy-related matter connected to women’s health or sex and gender differences for consideration as a poster, oral session, or symposium at the OSSD 2020 Annual Meeting. The deadline to submit an abstract is February 3, 2020 at 11:59 p.m. EST

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OSTP Request for Public Comment on Desirable Repository Characteristics

The White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) is seeking public comments on a draft set of desirable characteristics of data repositories used to locate, manage, and share data resulting from Federally funded research. This effort is meant to identify and help Federal agencies provide more consistent information on the requirements for data subject to agency Public Access Plans and data management and sharing policies. Optimization and improved consistency in agency-provided information for data repositories is expected to reduce the burden for researchers.

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Center for Studies in Demography and Ecology
206 Raitt Hall
(206) 616-7743
UW Box 353412
Seattle, WA
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