CSDE Welcomes New Affiliates
CSDE is proud to welcome three new Affiliates!
Each CSDE Affiliate brings a unique demographic perspective to our academic community, and we’re thrilled to work alongside all of these new additions as their research develops. You can read more about their research interests at the links above.
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Ali Rowhani-Rahbar Publishes Study of Firearm Training
Ali Rowhani-Rahbar, CSDE Affiliate and UW Assistant Professor of Epidemiology, has published new research chronicling firearm training and safety in the US. The study revealed some surprising facts about American gun ownership: Only 3/5 gun owners have received any formal firearm training, and this proportion hasn’t meaningfully changed in two decades. Rowhani-Rahbar also notes that the content of the training out there hasn’t incorporated suicide awareness into its curriculum. The study itself is available here;
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Scott Allard Explains Suburban Poverty with Places in Need
Scott Allard, CSDE Affiliate and UW Professor of Public Policy, was recently profiled by Curbed for his latest book, Places in Need. The publication offers a thorough examination of the trends and challenges of poverty in the suburbs, a growing problem that’s silently spreading through much of the US. Both the very nature of suburbs and the public’s misconceptions about their affluence make combating economic problems there surprisingly difficult. You can read more about the book and Scott’s research below.
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Karen Fredriksen-Goldsen Shines Light on Senior Sexuality and Health in New York Times
Karen Fredriksen-Goldsen, CSDE Affiliate and UW Professor of Social Work, was recently featured in the New York Times for her research on aging LGBT populations. There’s little existing research on LGBT seniors. Thanks to Fredriksen-Goldsen’s work, though, scholars now know the unique health disparities and social pressures this group often faces. You can read more about the findings and their implications in the full story below.
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Janelle Taylor Explains Moral Merit of Friendship with Dementia Patients
Janelle Taylor, CSDE Affiliate and UW Professor of Anthropology, was recently interviewed by UW Today about her studies examining friendship and dementia. Though her earlier work examined the inclusion of dementia patients in geriatric studies, her current research has shifted focus onto the relatively unexplored social dynamics of relationships with that group.
“In a way, dementia shows us just how much more there is to being a person,” Taylor observed. “Aside from the capacities that dementia takes away,
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