July 10, 2018
CSDE Research & Highlights
Christine Leibbrand Examines How Non-Standard Work Schedules Shape Children’s Behavioral Outcomes
9-to-5 work shifts aren’t the only solution for busy families. CSDE Trainee and Shanahan Fellow Christine Leibbrand, a graduate student in the Department of Sociology, examined the benefits of non-standard schedules in “Flexibility or Constraint? The Implications of Mothers’ and Fathers’ Nonstandard Schedules for Children’s Behavioral Outcomes.” Leibbrand found that consistent working hours – no matter what time of day – provide families with flexibility and can even improve children’s behavior.
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Butch de Castro and Eleanor Brindle Explore Health of Immigrants from the Philippines
Although immigrants to the United States are typically healthier than their U.S.-born counterparts, the health of immigrants declines with duration of stay in the U.S. A team of researchers – which includes CSDE Affiliate Butch de Castro and CSDE Biodemography Director Eleanor Brindle – seeks to distinguish the effects of acculturation versus secular trends.
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Meet Members of CSDE’s Graduate Certificate in Demographic Methods Program
Congratulations to the eight members of the 2017-2018 cohort for completing their first year in the program! This program is the academic pathway to advanced population research at UW more than 60 students have participated since its launch in 2014.
Learn more about each of the students below, and join us in celebrating their continued contributions to the CSDE community.
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Anjum Hajat and Marieka Klawitter Awarded RRF to Explore Finance, Stress, and Health for Low Wage Workers
We are excited to announce that CSDE Affiliates Anjum Hajat, Assistant Professor in the Department of Epidemiology, and Marieka Klawitter, Professor at the Evans School, are the recipients of a Royalty Research Fund Award. Their pilot study will explore the connections between family finances, stress, and health for low wage workers. Hajat and Klawitter plan to implement financial coaching in a low wage workplace to assess its feasibility and the workers’ take up and satisfaction with the intervention.
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CSDE Fellow Michael Esposito Receives Ph.D. in Sociology
Congratulations to CSDE Fellow Michael Esposito for receiving his Ph.D. in Sociology from the University of Washington! Dr. Esposito will begin a three-year Postdoctoral Fellowship at the Institute for Social Research’s Survey Research Center at the University of Michigan, beginning September 2018.
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Demography Events
Conferences & Calls for Papers
- Visiting Assistant Professor of Sociology Whitman College
- Assistant Professor of Neuroscience & Behavior Mount Holyoke College
- Post-Doctoral Fellow, Anthropology Baylor University
- Assistant Professor of Formal Theory University of Michigan (Deadline: 9/1/2018)
- Tenured/Tenure-track, Assistant, Associate, and Full Professors of Sociology Yale University (Deadline: 9/15/2018)
- Associate or Full Professor, Demography/Population Studies University of Minnesota
- Research Associate The Guttmacher Institute
- Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Quantitative Human-Environment Science University of Colorado, Boulder
- NatureNet Postdoctoral Science Fellowship The Nature Conservancy
- 2 Research Fellows, Social Statistics & Demography Centre for Population Change, University of Southampton (Deadline: 7/7/2018)
- Postdoctoral Research Scholar on REALM Columbia University
- Call For Applications: 2018–2019 Emerging Poverty Scholars Fellowship Institute for Research on Poverty, University of Wisconsin–Madison (Deadline: 8/1/2018)
Center for Studies in Demography and Ecology |
csde@uw.edu 206 Raitt Hall (206) 616-7743 |
UW Box 353412 Seattle, WA 98195-3412 |
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