October 30, 2018
CSDE Seminar Series
UW Symposium on Family Planning, Contraception and Abortion
When: Friday, Nov 2, 2018 (8:00 AM-2:30 PM) Where: Walker-Ames Room in Kane Hall
The symposium’s goal is to highlight UW strengths in this domain and identify opportunities for future projects and collaboration. We invite faculty, staff, and fellows actively working in the field of family planning, contraception, and abortion to participate in this symposium to guide these efforts as a UW community.
Registration is closed, but if you are still interested in attending please contact Sara Curran. The symposium will take place instead of CSDE's regularly scheduled seminar. See you there!
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CSDE Research & Highlights
CSDE Welcomes New Affiliates!
CSDE’s Executive Committee is pleased to introduce four of our new faculty affiliates:
- Soojin Oh Park – Assistant Professor of Education at UW. Park’s work is focused on improving the quality of learning experiences, particularly among children in non-dominant communities (e.g., low-income, immigrant, and/or families of color).
- Mauricio Sadinle – Assistant Professor of Biostatistics at UW. In his research, Sadinle develops methodology for a variety of applied and data-driven problems, including record linkage, nonignorable missing data and classification.
- Peter Catron – Assistant Professor of Sociology at UW. Catron researches the socioeconomic mobility and assimilation of immigrants. He is interested in how mobility and labor market outcomes are interlinked with societal institutions and economic structures that may condition individual efforts to make it in America.
- Gundula Proksch – Associate Professor of Architecture at UW. Proksch explores interdisciplinary practices in the built environment, novel approaches in sustainable design, and their potential to positively shape the futures of cities.
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The First Autumn Biomarker Working Group is Today!
Today’s Working Group will discuss differences in biomarker results across assay methods. Different measurement methods or sample types can produce very different results for the same analyte, making comparisons across studies difficult. We will talk about some technical details that lead to this problem, and discuss the successes and failures of some large-scale standardization efforts.
The purpose of the Biomarker Working Group is to provide a forum for discussions of practical and theoretical issues associated with collecting and using biomarker data in social and behavioral science research.
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Jennifer Otten Investigates What Businesses and Anti-Hunger Agencies Think of Local Governments’ Efforts to Manage Food Waste
In the US, 40% of all food intended for human consumption is wasted, incurring economic, environmental, and social consequences as well as posing equity concerns. Local governments are well positioned to support innovations and equity-oriented approaches for tackling food waste issues at a systems-level. Yet, how do food-generating businesses and anti-hunger agencies think local governments could work with them to address food waste?
To answer this question, CSDE Affiliate Jennifer Otten, Associate Professor of Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences at UW, interviewed 20 agencies and businesses in her recent paper, "Commercial and Anti-Hunger Sector Views on Local Government Strategies for Helping to Manage Food Waste."
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Kam Wing Chan Sheds Light on Trends Regarding Children of Migrants in China
“Children – including those of migrants – are China’s future.” CSDE Affiliate Kam Wing Chan, Geography Professor at UW, investigates the trends, living arrangements, age-gender structure and geography of children of migrants in China, which now make up almost 40% of all children in the country. By distilling 2000-2016 data from multiple large national surveys and assessing the small rural left-behind children population figures, his recent paper analyzes the major aspects of children of migrants.
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Demography Events
- A Plurality of Stories: Women, Mental Illness, HIV Risk, and Sexuality in Two Low-Resource Settings (MAGH Lecture, 10/31/2018)
- Digital Echoes: Understanding Patterns of Mass Violence with Data and Statistics (CSSS Seminar, 10/31/2018)
- Principled Data Processing: Goals and Practices for Auditable, Replicable, Scalable, and Transparent Data Work (CSSS Workshop, 11/1/2018)
- Qualitative Data Analysis Using ATLAS.ti (QUAL Workshop, 11/2/2018)
- Be The Match and Why Race Matters Kick-Off Event! (WholeU, 11/5/18)
- Graduate Student/Postdoc Networking Event on Climate Change (Collaboration Consortium, 11/16/2018)
Conferences & Calls for Papers
Center for Studies in Demography and Ecology |
csde@uw.edu 206 Raitt Hall (206) 616-7743 |
UW Box 353412 Seattle, WA 98195-3412 |
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