October 11, 2016
CSDE Seminar Series
Population Research Discovery Seminar: Davene Wright
When: Friday, Oct 14, 2016 (12:30-1:30 PM PST) Where: University of Washington, 121 Raitt Hall
Healthy, wealthy, and wise? Exploring optimism bias in parent predictions about a child’s future health and socioeconomic expectations.
Optimism bias, the tendency to overestimate one’s chances of experiencing unlikely positive events relative to one’s peers, is present in parent predictions of their child’s long-term health outcomes, including their child’s risk for overweight or obesity and obesity-related co-morbidities in adulthood. We sought to understand whether parents are more optimistic about their child’s health outcomes relative to education,
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CSDE Workshops
Introduction to R
Introduction to GIS
When: Wednesday, Oct 12, 2016 (1:30-4:00 PM) Where: University of Washington, Savery Hall 117
CSDE is offering a series of two, three-hour workshops on Geographic Information Systems (GIS) using esri’s ArcMap software. It assumes no prior experience with GIS, or ArcMap. The workshop will take place across two consecutive Wednesdays, beginning October 12, 2016. Sessions run from 1:00-4:00 PM in Savery 117.
Prerequisite: The workshop assumes no prior knowledge of GIS.
Learn more and sign up
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CSDE Research & Highlights
Paula Nurius Wins First-Ever Award for Educational Leadership in Doctoral Education
Paula Nurius, CSDE Affiliate and Professor of Social Work at UW, is slated to be the inaugural recipient of the new Educational Leadership in Doctoral Education Award. The Group for the Advancement of Doctoral Education in Social Work (GADE) plans to recognize Nurius during a ceremony this November.
“Recognizing leaders like [Nurius] was exactly what we had in mind when we created this award,” GADE Board President Elizabeth Lightfoot explained.
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Scott Allard Discusses How Minority Migrants Still Struggle in Suburbs
While America’s suburbs have long been painted as indicators of affluence and stability, times are changing: more inner-city residents are seeking reprieve from urban challenges in the suburbs. Many such migrants represent low-income and minority communities, and their migration isn’t necessarily improving their condition. CSDE Affiliate and UW Professor of Public Policy Scott Allard discussed some reasons for these rocky transitions. Read the full story below to learn more about these demographic shifts.
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Jacob Vigdor Interviewed About The Potential Impact of Washington’s I-1433
This November, Washingtonians will have several important decisions to make on election day. One such decision centers around raising the state’s minimum wage. CSDE Affiliate and UW Professor of Public Policy and Governance Jacob Vigdor, a member of the team tasked with researching the effects of Seattle’s experiments with minimum-wage hikes, was recently interviewed by KOMO News about the possible impact of this statewide expansion. Check out the footage below!
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Demography Events
Conferences & Calls for Papers
Center for Studies in Demography and Ecology |
csde@uw.edu 206 Raitt Hall (206) 616-7743 |
UW Box 353412 Seattle, WA 98195-3412 |
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