What Lies Ahead: The Long-Term Impacts of Rising Disaster Costs on Social Inequality
When: Friday, Feb 22, 2019 (12:30-1:30 PM) Where: 121 Raitt
James R Elliott, Professor of Sociology at Rice University, will discuss newly published findings on how rising natural disaster costs drive rising social inequality over individual lifetimes, and the extent to which federal disaster assistance is exacerbating rather than reducing this social problem. Longitudinal data come from approximately 3,400 randomly selected Americans drawn from the Panel Survey of Income Dynamics who experienced varying degrees of local disaster damage in their counties of residence during 1999-2013.
Please visit the seminar page to reserve time to meet with Professor Elliott.
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CSDE Affiliates Co-Author Two Minimum Wage Ordinance Studies
UW News recently featured two studies about Seattle’s minimum wage ordinance conducted by research teams replete with CSDE Affiliates. One paper, published in the Social Work and Society International Online Journal, found that more than half of Seattle's child care businesses were affected by increased labor costs. Co-authors include CSDE Affiliates Heather D. Hill and Scott W. Allard, Evans School of Public Policy and Governance, Jennifer Romich, School of Social Work, and Jennifer J. Otten, Health Services.
Another article, published in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, found no significant evidence of price increases on local area supermarket food prices associated with the minimum wage ordinance. CSDE Affiliates Mark Long, Evans School of Public Policy and Governance, and Jennifer J. Otten, Health Services, are co-authors.
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Tim Thomas’s Report on Disproportionate Evictions of Black Residents Featured in Multiple Media Outlets
CSDE Affiliate Tim Thomas, Data Science Fellow at the eScience Institute & Department of Sociology, heads the UW Evictions Project and is the lead researcher for a report recently released by Washington State's Democratic legislators in support of legislation aimed at redressing the housing crisis.
The study looks at evictions across Washington and finds that they disproportionately affect women and people of color. Researchers determined that 1 in 11 black King County residents were evicted between 2004 and 2017.
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Rebecca Rebbe, Joe Mienko, and Ali Rowhani-Rahbar Publish Papers on Prenatal Substance Exposure and Child Protection
A team of CSDE scholars featuring trainee Rebecca Rebbe, Social Work, Affiliate Joe Mienko, Senior Research Scientist at Partners for Our Children, Social Work, and Affiliate Ali Rowhani-Rahbar, Associate Professor of Epidemiology, has just published two articles on prenatal substance exposure and child protection. Both papers use population-based linked administrative data, specifically birth, hospital discharge, and child protective services (CPS) records.
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Consider Applying to the Upcoming IAPHS Pre-Conference Workshop on Interdisciplinary Research in Population Health and Health Disparities
This one-day workshop on 10/1/2019 will provide an orientation to the value of interdisciplinary collaboration, challenges inherent in interdisciplinary work, and skills and resources that facilitate interdisciplinary success in population health science. Funded by a grant from NICHD, the PI, Christine Bachrach (University of Maryland) worked closely with several co-investigators including three CSDE Affiliates: Sara Curran, CSDE Director and Professor of International Studies, Sociology & Public Policy, Anjum Hajat, Assistant Professor of Epidemiology, and David Takeuchi, Professor of Social Work (returning to UW in 2019).
Workshop participants will engage with leading population health and interdisciplinary scholars in interactive group exercises and case studies with a focus on the combining the knowledge, theory, and methods of diverse fields to understand and address health disparities.
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