Population Health Initiative, CSDE, and King County Team up to Study First Steps Program
This summer’s 2019 Population Health Applied Research Fellows will develop and apply their data analysis, critical thinking, and team science skills to better understand the impact of the First Steps Program on birth outcomes in King County. The interdisciplinary team of faculty, staff, graduate and undergraduate students bring with them skills in demography, economics, nursing, public health, public policy, and sociology with the recognition that, to tackle complex population health challenges and become future leaders in the field, the knowledge and insight comes from a collaborative effort across expert domains. Working with CSDE Affiliates Sara Curran, Brandon Guthrie, and Matt Hall, seven students are part of the inaugural cohort:
- Claire Branley, undergraduate Public Health major
- Matt Driver, MPH student, Department of Epidemiology
- Jane Kim, Doctorate of Nursing Practice student, School of Nursing
- Christine Leibbrand, CSDE Fellow and PhD Student, Department of Sociology
- Kiana Rahni, undergraduate Economics and Political Science major
- Michelle Shin, PhD student, School of Nursing
- Hilary Wething, CSDE Fellow and PhD student, Evans School of Public Policy & Governance
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Karen Fredriksen-Goldsen Comments on Unique Challenges Facing Aging LGBT Adults
“LGBTQ elders have largely been invisible and people really haven’t thought about their needs, both in health, in housing and other areas,” CSDE Affiliate Karen Fredriksen-Goldsen, Professor of Social Work, recently commented for a CNN story about New York’s first LGBT-friendly housing.
According to Fredriksen-Goldsen, director of the UW Healthy Generations Center, the Pride generation was the first to unite to demand civil rights and social acceptance, but the discrimination they experienced throughout their lives has left them with smaller savings and in worse health than their non-LGBT peers, as they have aged.
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Melissa Knox, Jessica Jones-Smith, and Vanessa Oddo Analyze Public Perception of Seattle’s Soda Tax
Taxes on sugary beverages are an emerging strategy to improve health, but perceptions about unintended consequences may affect attitudes towards the policy. Supported by CSDE’s NICHD P2C infrastructure grant, CSDE Affiliates Melissa Knox, Economics Lecturer, Jessica Jones-Smith, Professor of Health Services & Epidemiology, and Vanessa Oddo, Acting Assistant Professor of Health Services, analyzed perceptions of the effects of Seattle’s sugary beverage tax in a upcoming BMC Public Health paper.
The authors conducted a survey on 851 adults and examined perceptions of the health and economic effects of the 2017 Seattle soda tax, and the differences in perceptions across income levels and racial/ethnic categories.
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David Swanson Selected as Featured Author by Population Review
CSDE Affiliate David Swanson, Professor Emeritus of Sociology at UC-Riverside, was selected by Population Review as a featured author for his recently co-authored article, “Estimating the underlying infant mortality rates for small populations, including those reporting zero infant deaths: A case study of counties in California.” The article as well as authors’ bios are available on the Population Review front page below.
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NSF Awards Additional Funding to the West Big Data Innovation Hub, co-led by the eScience Institute
The National Science Foundation is awarding an additional $4 million for Regional Big Data Innovation Hubs to address scientific and societal challenges by building and strengthening data science partnerships across industry, academia, nonprofits, and government. UW will continue to coordinate the West Big Data Innovation Hub in collaboration with UC-Berkeley and UC-San Diego. CSDE Affiliate Sarah Stone is the West Hub Deputy Director, Co-Principal Investigator, and Executive Director of the eScience Institute.
Among projects supported by the West Hub is the UW Evictions Project, led by CSDE Afilliate Tim Thomas, which extracted information from evictions reports and uncovered extreme racial disparity, leading to a policy change that increased the response time allowed to tenants.
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Be Cyber Safe this Summer!
The UW Office of the Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) has gathered password tips to keep your information and work safe. In brief, be sure to avoid clicking links in e-mails, don’t reuse passwords across accounts, be cautious on wireless networks and public computers, create unique passwords and passphrases, and use secure services for secure connections! You can find the full list and video here.
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