February 4, 2020
CSDE Seminar Series
Intergenerational Educational Mobility Among Mexican Americans Across the 20th Century
When: Friday, Feb 7, 2020 (12:30 - 1:30PM) Where: 121 Raitt Hall
This Friday, Jennifer Van Hook from the Pennsylvania State University will discuss educational mobility among Mexican Americans and how cross-sectional assessments of Mexican-American integration are misleading and underestimate this group’s prospects going forward. Concerns about the integration of Mexican-Americans have been amplified by the phenomenon of third generation delay, whereby the 3rd-or-higher generation has similar or lower educational attainment than the 2nd generation in analyses of cross-sectional data. Using unique longitudinal data, however, Van Hook and her team find no evidence of third generation delay. Although Mexican-Americans still experience disadvantages, the educational attainment of third-generation Mexican-Americans increased dramatically and consistently across generations.
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CSDE Research & Highlights
CSDE Winter 2020 Trainees Lightning Talks & Poster Session Abstract Submission Deadline Extended!
To all CSDE Trainees: The deadline to submit your abstracts for the CSDE Winter 2020 Lightning Talks & Poster Session has been extended to tomorrow Wednesday February 5th! You only need to submit a brief abstract and information about yourself and your collaborators on the project. This Lightning Talks and Poster Session is a great opportunity to make new connections with faculty and students working in your area, and to improve your presentation and poster-making skills in advance of conferences. The session will take place Friday, March 13, 2020, 12:30-1:30 PM in Room Green A, Research Commons, Allen Library. Submit your application HERE.
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Ali Rowhani-Rahbar Publishes New Study on Handgun Carrying Behaviors Among Rural Youth
Evidence on handgun behaviors among rural teenagers is scant, as our knowledge of handgun carrying mainly pertains to adults and urban settings. This is why CSDE Affiliate Ali Rowhani-Rahbar lead and published a study on patterns of handgun carrying among rural adolescents. By using data from the UW Community Youth Development Study, Rowhani-Rahbar and his co-authors found that about one-third of young males and 1 in 10 females in rural communities have carried a handgun—and many of these rural youth started carrying handguns as early as in the sixth grade.
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Winter 2020 Computational Demography Working Group First Meeting
The first meeting of the quarter for the Computational Demography Working Group (CDWG) will be this Wednesday, 2/5/2020, 12:00 PM in Raitt Hall room 223. During this meeting, CSDE Trainees Neal Marquez and Connor Gilroy will lead a tutorial introduction to tidycensus and related tools for working with US Census data in R. All are welcome, and food will be provided. CDWG is a special interest group cosponsored by CSDE and the eScience Institute. If you are interested in the group, you can find out more by visiting the CDWG website or by joining the mailing list.
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Hans Rosling Center for Population Health Seeks Content to Showcase in the New Building
The UW’s Population Health Initiative is seeking stories and features to showcase in the new Hans Rosling Center for Population Health. A key component of the new Hans Rosling Center for Population Health is telling the story of the major advances, achievements, and contributors to improvements in population health (i.e., human health, environmental resilience, social and economic equity) that have occurred both domestically and internationally. The Population Health Initiative is hoping to secure input from all of our schools, colleges, and campuses via survey to help show how each of the university’s disciplines have contributed to improvements in health and well-being.
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2020 NIMHD Health Disparities Research Institute
The National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities (NIMHD) will host the Health Disparities Research Institute (HDRI) from August 3-7, 2020 at the NIH campus. Extramural scientists who are early in their careers and have a research focus in minority health and health disparities are encouraged to apply to the institute. The HDRI aims to support the research career development of promising early-career minority health and health disparities research scientists and stimulate research in disciplines supported by health disparities science.
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Demography Events
Conferences & Calls for Papers
Center for Studies in Demography and Ecology |
csde@uw.edu 206 Raitt Hall (206) 616-7743 |
UW Box 353412 Seattle, WA 98195-3412 |
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