When: Friday, Jun 5, 2020 (12:30 - 1:30PM) Where: Virtual via Zoom (Register with this link)
As this, unusual, 2019-20 academic year draws to a close, we will take time to recognize our trainee community. CSDE Trainees are vital members contributing to our seminar series, participating in working groups, taking our courses, and contributing their talents and ideas to our entire research endeavor. CSDE Trainees are what it’s all about for all of us! Because… where would we be without the next generation of population scientists?
Please join us in learning more about their accomplishments and celebrating them. We’ll be sharing ‘shout-outs’ for those who have completed CSDE Graduate Certificates in Demographic Methods, those who have completed major milestones and degrees, those with grants and publications, and those who have landed new positions where they are applying their population science training. CSDE Affiliates, Trainees, Staff, and anyone interested in joining the CSDE community are welcome to attend using the link above.
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