Message from CSDE Director, Sara Curran
Welcome to the 2020-21 academic year. While we’re still mostly virtual at CSDE, we are looking forward to a productive year with lots of events, seminars, working groups, and collaborative initiatives. Our seminar series for this autumn will be an engaging one. CSDE Affiliate and School of Nursing Professor Maria Bleil is chairing this year’s seminar series. You can download a printable PDF poster here. Join us for our opening reception on Friday, where you can hear about exciting news regarding our new T32 Training Program, learn about new initiatives our trainees have undertaken or accomplished this summer, and meet some of our new staff members and new members of our leadership team.
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Kam Wing Chan Quoted in Economist Article on Chinese Hukou System
Kam Wing Chan, Professor of Geography, is quoted in an Economist article titled “Worlds Apart: Changes to China’s hukou system are creating new divides”. Chan explains how restrictions on migration will double Beijing’s population over the age of 65 to 22% in a decade and to 47% by 2050. Read the full article here.
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Spotlight on CSDE Affiliate, Rawan Arar
Assistant Professor of Law, Societies and Justice Dr. Rawan Arar studies the Sociology of refugee migration. Her work has appeared in the Annual Review of Sociology and the Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies. This summer she was awarded a UW Royalty Research Fund grant to study Syrian Refugees and their relationship to governance mechanisms in Jordan. She completed her Ph.D. in sociology at the University of California San Diego.
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Spotlight on CSDE Affiliate, Tom Burch
Dr. Tom Burch is Adjunct Professor of Sociology at the University of Victoria, with research interests in family and household demography, demographic modelling, and fertility theory. His research focuses on the relations among theory, models, and data in empirical social science, particularly demography. Dr. Burch has recently published in World Economics and is the author of the book Model Based Demography.
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Spotlight on CSDE Affiliate, Jacqueline Darroch
*CALL FOR PAPERS** Russell Sage Foundation Requests Articles on Suburban Inequality in the United States
The Russell Sage Foundation is requesting articles for its new issue on suburban inequality in the United States. Prospective contributors should submit a CV and an abstract (up to two pages in length, single or double spaced) of their study along with up to two pages of supporting material (e.g., tables, figures, pictures, etc.) no later than 5.00PM EST on December 7, 2020 to:
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*TRAINEES* Register for UW Graduate School Workshops on Fellowships and Scholarships!
The Office of Merit Scholarships, Fellowships & Awards and the Graduate School Office of Fellowships & Awards are offering a series of workshops for students. These workshops are aimed at improving access to fellowships and scholarships.
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