Spotlight on CSDE Affiliate, Melanie Martin
Dr. Melanie Martin is an Assistant Professor of Anthropology at the University of Washington and CSDE’s Biodemography Principal Investigator. Her research examines biocultural influences on growth, development, and reproduction. Currently, she works with two ongoing studies of indigenous health across the life course: the Chaco Area Reproductive Ecology Program (Co-PI) and the Tsimane Health and Life History Project. Her research combines field research (focal follows, ethnographic observations, interviews) with laboratory analysis of non-invasive biomarkers and mixed-modeling approaches. Dr. Martin has published in several journals, including Nature Communications, PLOS One, American Anthropology, and American Journal of Human Biology.
She also is training the next generation of biodemography investigators with a lab course focused on the linkage between hormones and behavior (BIO A 455) and several lecture courses about evolutionary biology and the human life cycle (BIO A 484), including BIO A 300 Evolutionary Biology of Women. Her research interests are wide ranging and encompass behavioral ecology, biological anthropology, human reproductive ecology, medical anthropology, field research methods, global health, medical anthropology, maternal and child health, public health, and growth and development. Recently she and colleagues proposed and successfully competed for a COVID-19 NSF Award to examine whether the virus can be transmitted via breast milk.
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CDC Awards First Round of Firearms Research to CSDE Affiliate Rowhani-Rahbar and CSDE Alum Kravitz-Wirtz
After almost 3 decades, CDC announced funding for gun violence research earlier this year. The University of Washington’s proposal led by CSDE Affiliate Professor Ali Rowhani-Rahbar was awarded a three-year grant totaling roughly $1.5 million to study handgun carrying among rural adolescents. UW’s award was one of 16 grants distributed across the nation. Rowhani-Rahbar’s team will spend the next three years investigating the context, antecedents, and consequences of handgun carrying among adolescents who reside in rural communities in order to inform culturally appropriate and community-specific interventions. Additionally, CSDE Alum Nicole Kravitz-Wirtz (UC Davis) was awarded a two-year grant to estimate the population prevalence and consequences of youths’ direct and indirect exposure to community gun violence to inform prevention efforts.
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CSDE Affiliate Fyall Receives ARNOVA Research Award!
Congratulations to CSDE Affiliate Associate Professor Rachel Fyall, recipient of the ARNOVA Research Award on Philanthropic Impact. ARNOVA is the Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action. Fyall was recognized by ARNOVA for her innovative work to develop new methodologies for evaluating advocacy and philanthropic impact.
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Call for Applications: CSDE’s Fall 2020 Lightning Talks and Poster Session
CSDE welcomes and encourages graduate students to submit abstracts for the CSDE Lightning Talks and Poster Session! This is a wonderful, low-stakes opportunity to present your research, receive feedback, and practice your presentation skills. Submit a brief abstract and information about yourself and your collaborators here by October 23rd. The session will take place on Zoom. Each presenter will have an opportunity present to the entire group and then share their results in breakout rooms to smaller numbers of participants.
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CSDE Affiliates, Trainees & Alumni – Send Us Your Research News!
At CSDE we like to highlight your research and training accomplishments via e-news. We do so to acknowledge the results of your hard work, build collegial recognition, and maybe identify a future collaborator. When you send us mentions of your work in the news, it’s a great way for CSDE to keep up with the impact of your work. Finally, for our grant administration team supporting your funding applications, our development team supporting your proposals and project developments, or our scientific consulting, we like to know that those efforts made a difference in your productivity! So, send your items to us, as soon as you can! You may send updates to
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*New* Request for Proposals: RWJF Research to Advance Racial Equity & Racial Justice
Applications are open for the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation’s Policies for Action: Research to Advance Racial Equity and Racial Justice grant. Typically, Policies for Action grants are funded at $250,000 each. Approximately $2 million will be awarded through this CFP. The deadline is 11/24/2020 for the LOI and 4/7/2021 for receipt of the full proposal. If you’re considering this funding opportunity, please consider filling out a proposal planning form and you will receive high quality and timely pre-award support for your application from our team!
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Grants Management for Investigators (GMI) Course for UW PIs UW Office of Research has recently updated the Grants Management for Investigators course, now available for all PI’s who apply for externally funded grants and contracts. Required for all PI’s to recertify every four years, it is a great way for new PI’s to better understand the process of applying for external funding. Training is available via Zoom on Wednesday, October 21st from 1-3 p.m., register at this link.
If you’re thinking of submitting a grant through CSDE, let us know as soon as you start to think about it. We’re here to help you with any aspect – editing, scientific rigor, framing and strategizing, mentoring, finding collaborators, grant budgets and ancillary materials, and the actual submission. You can send a note via our grant planning proposal form. Even if you’re not planning to submit through CSDE, CSDE is here to help you with your science, any mentoring or editing, or finding collaborators, etc. Please send an email to
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