CSDE at the PAA! Attend PAA and Your Colleagues’ PAA Sessions!
At the upcoming 2021 PAA meeting, 24 CSDE Trainees and 16 CSDE Affiliates are scheduled to participate as presenters, chairs, coauthors, and discussants. Our scholars tackle a wide range of demographic issues, represented in the varied presentations listed here.
This year’s conference is happening entirely online from May 5-8. There is still time to register for the conference at this link. CSDE has supported Trainees and Fellows by awarding PAA registration awards to Courtney Allen, Matt Fowle, Jessica Lapham, Neal Marquez, and Crystal Yu. CSDE Trainees also participated in a PAA workshop led by Christine Leibbrand last Fall, where they received feedback from CSDE Affiliates on drafts of their submissions. (read more)
Congratulations! Fan and Vignau Loria Win IPUMS Research Paper Award
CSDE Alum Dr. Xinguang Fan (Peking University) and CSDE Trainee Maria Vignau Loria (Sociology) have won the IPUMS Global Health Research Award for their recently published article in Demographic Research titled Intimate Partner Violence and Contraceptive Use in Developing Countries: How Does the Relationship Depend on Context?. Fan and Loria resolve a puzzle in prior research on intimate partner violence (IPV): Why is the relationship between IPV and contraceptive use negative in some countries and positive in others? Using 30 IPUMS DHS samples from 17 countries, the authors demonstrate that the relationship between IPV and family planning is modified by macro contextual factors, including legal prohibitions and national levels of female empowerment. This study stands out not just for answering an important social science question but also in its creative use of the broad range of information collected in the DHS, including variables on contraceptive use and type, family size preferences, husband-wife disagreement on fertility goals, various indicators of women’s status (e.g., education, employment, decision-making), and domestic violence. In addition, the authors draw on IPUMS DHS variables to determine the direction of causality: from the experience of IPV to increased contraceptive use, rather than from contraceptive use to increased incidence of IPV.ta from IPUMS DHS, with informative maps displaying findings across countries and regions. (read more)
Neal Marquez Featured In NYT News Report On COVID-19 Infection/Spread In ICE Facilities
CSDE Trainee Neal Marquez was featured last weekend in a New York Times investigation report on how neglect and secrecy helped fuel COVID outbreaks both inside and outside ICE detention facilities (skip to 9:00 in video if you want to get to his bit). The report highlights that the botching of COVID protocols and a lack of protections for migrants being held in ICE facilities create major risks for COVID infection – infection rates were 5 times that of prisons and 20 times that of the general population. Furthermore, these numbers pose a threat to spreading to the surrounding communities, but ICE's sparse data on daily infections among detainees and staff makes it difficult to track COVID's spread within the facility and the community at large.(read more)
Karen Fredriksen Goldsen’s Leading Lights Presentation Available on YouTube!
CSDE Affiliate Karen Fredriksen Goldsen provided a keynote lecture on Science to Impact: Linking Lives to Disrupt the Cycle of Social Isolation in the Midst of COVID-19, as part of the UW School of Social Work’s Leading Lights Speaker Series on April 1st, 2021. If you missed the presentation, the recording is now available on YouTube. (read more)
Computational Demography Working Group: Talk by Brian O’Neill from the Joint Global Change Research Institute [05/10/2021]
On May 10 at 3pm (Pacific), Dr. Brian O’Neill will be speaking about his research on climate and demographic dynamics. O’Neill is the Director of the Joint Global Change Research Institute and studies the relationship between future societal development, emissions and climate change impacts. The institute is a partnership between the U.S. Department of Energy’s Pacific Northwest National Laboratory and the University of Maryland in College Park, MD. It brings together expertise in research, modeling and analysis to advance scientific understanding of the ways in which human, energy and environmental systems interact. The Zoom link for the talk can be found here. More information about the Computational Demography Working Group talks can be found here. (read more)
New NICHD Call @ Causes of Pregnancy-Related or Associated Morbidity and Mortality in the U.S. [Due 05/20/2021]
The purpose of this FOA is to support interdisciplinary community-engaged research designed to reduce or eliminate infections and sepsis as causes of pregnancy- related or associated morbidity and mortality (PRAMM) in regions of the United States with high rates of maternal mortality. This FOA is to support research primarily focused on PRAMM health disparities in areas with highest maternal morbidity and mortality. For more information, see here. (read more)