October 18, 2022
CSDE Seminar Series
Earnings Assimilation Within and Across Immigrant Generations: Evidence from Administrative Records
When: 10/21/2022, 12:30-1:30 PM PT Where: 101 Hans Rosling Center
Join us for a talk from Professor Andrés Villarreal titled “Earnings Assimilation within and across Immigrant Generations: Evidence from Administrative Records.
The systematic study of immigrants’ economic assimilation requires an analysis of both intra- and intergenerational mobility, that is, of the progress made by each immigrant generation over the course of their own lives and relative to their parents. We examine both types of mobility using a unique dataset linking respondents of multiple waves of the Current Population Survey to their longitudinal tax records.
If you would like to meet one-on-one with Dr. Villarreal, you may sign up to do so by including your name in this Google doc by 5pm, Wednesday!
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CSDE Research & Highlights
Takeuchi Receives Carl Taube Award from Mental Health Section of APHA
Congratulations to CSDE Executive Committee Member David Takeuchi(Social Work) who has just been awarded the 2022 Carl Taube Lifetime Contributions to Mental Health Services from the Mental Health Section of the American Public Health Association.
The Carl Taube Award was created in 1990 to honor Carl Taube for his major role in promoting mental health services and policy research and mental health economics and to recognize scholars who have made important lifetime contributions to public mental health.
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CSDE Friend and Friend to all Demographers – Dr. Steven Ruggles Wins MacArthur Genius Award!
Hot off the presses, Dr. Steven Ruggles was just announced as a MacArthur Genius Awardee and a member of the class of 2022! Ruggles was recognized for his extraordinary genius – as the brain, creative vision, energizer, and indefatigable collaborator – behind the establishment of IPUMS, which now provides the largest spatially and temporally integrated census and social survey data infrastructure for the entire globe. Ruggles is a historical demographer at the University of Minnesota and a recent president of the Population Association of America and the Association of Population Centers.
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Sharif and Riley Publish Paper on Abortion Criminalization in AJPH
CSDE Affiliate Mienah Sharif and CSDE Trainee Taylor Riley have recently published a paper entitled “Abortion Criminalization: A Public Health Crisis Rooted in White Supremacy” in the American Journal of Public Health. In their essay the authors highlight how antiabortion policies uphold White supremacy and offer concrete strategies for addressing abortiona criminalization in structural racism measures and public health research and practice since the overturn of Roe v. Wade.
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Bostrom and Co-Authors Publish New Paper on Methods for Assessing Responses to Earthquake Experiences
Martin Publishes Research on Implicit Race and Gender Bias about Handguns Among a Nationally Representative US Sample
Laird and Co-author Publish Findings About Surviving Utility Shut-offs in the American Behavioral Scientist
CSDE External Affiliate Jennifer Laird and co-author Diana Hernandez have recently published a paper entitled “Surviving a Shut Off: U.S. Householders at Great Risk of Utility Disconnection and How They Cope” in American Behavioral Scientist. This article is the first known study to estimate household characteristics and coping behaviors associated with utility disconnections in the United States. Utilizing the Residential Energy Consumption Survey, the authors analyze the prevalence of disconnection notices, disconnection services, and related coping strategies, including forgoing necessities, maintaining an unhealthy home temperature, and receiving energy assistance.
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Martin, Keith, Eisenberg, and Brindle Publish New Paper in Frontiers in Immunology
In a large collaborationCSDE Affiliates Melanie Martin, Monica Keith, Dan Eisenberg, and Eleanor Brindle (with many other co-authors) recently published a new research in Frontiers in Immunology . The paper entitled “SARS-CoV-2 specific antibody trajectories in mothers and infants over two months following maternal infection” was funded in part with CSDE seed grant money, with work conducted in CSDE Biodemography Lab. Results from the study support previous research demonstrating minimal risks to infants following maternal COVID-19 infection, including for breastfeeding infants.
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Williams Receives New Grant for SHARE Study
CSDE Affiliate Emily Williams receives funding from the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism to explore patterns of unhealthy alcohol use and HIV prevention among a national VA cohort of gender and sexual minorities and other marginalized groups. The project is titled Informing and promoting Shared decision-making for HIV prevention and Alcohol Reduction: Engaging diverse Veterans to refine and pilot a decision aid (SHARE Study) and will be done in collaboration with investigators at Yale University.
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Hagopian Named as Vice Chair to the AJPH Editorial Board
CSDE Affiliate Amy Hagopian has been named the vice chair for the American Journal of Public Health editorial board! Dr. Hagopian will begin the one year term November 9th, 2022 through November 15th, 2023, to become the Chair in the following year! We wish you a huge congrats on your accomplishment!
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Anderson Publishes Article in Journal of Economic
CSDE External Affiliate D. Mark Anderson and colleague Daniel Rees have recently had a paper accepted in the Journal of Economic Literature titled “The Public Health Effects of Legalizing Marijuana”. This publication reviews literature from various disciplines on the public health consequences of legalizing marijuana and considers outcomes such as youth marijuana use, alcohol consumption, abuse of prescriptive opioids, traffic fatalities, and crime. They find that it is not yet clear how legalizing marijuana for recreational purposes will affect these and other important health outcomes, but future data will help inform prior drawn conclusions.
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Please share your accomplishments with CSDE!
CSDE would love to celebrate your accomplishments. If you have a new grant, award, paper, book, editorial, or media coverage, please email csde@uw.edu. We can feature your achievements in our weekly newsletter, and share select items with the Center for Public Information on Population Research to broadcast to a larger audience. This publicity broadens awareness of your work and can facilitate collaborations and other synergies.
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Updates from the CSDE Research & Training Cores
NIH Office of Behavioral and Social Sciences Research (OBSSR) Seeks YOUR Input for Strategic Plans.
You are invited to submit your ideas about scientific priorities for the NIH’s Office of Behavior and Social Sciences Research (OBSSR) strategic planning. OBSSR’s mission is to enhance the impact of health related behavioral and social sciences research (BSSR); coordinate BSSR conducted or supported by the NIH and integrate these sciences within the larger NIH research enterprise; and communicate health related BSSR findings to interested parties within and outside the federal government. You can visit the Request for Information (RFI) here and complete their survey form.
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Call for Papers for Special Issue – Vulnerable Populations: The Role of Population Dynamics in Climate Change Resilience and Adaptation
The Journal of Population and Sustainability has issued a call for papers for a special issue entitled “Vulnerable populations: The role of population dynamics in climate change resilience and adaptation”.
The proposed special issue of The Journal of Population and Sustainability will focus on population growth as a factor in the resilience and adaptive capacity of communities in facing the impacts of climate change. They are interested in publishing papers examining both natural population growth and those considering local growth due to migration,
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UW BIRCH Methods Core and Implementation Science Program Seminar
UW Birch is hosting Dr. Linda Collins for a talk entitled “Achieving intervention EASE: The multiphase optimization strategy (MOST)”. Dr. Collins is a Professor of Social and Behavioral Sciences and Professor of Biostatistics in the School of Global Public Health, New York University.
In this presentation, Dr. Collins will briefly introduce an expanded methodological framework for developing, optimizing, and evaluating behavioral and biobehavioral interventions. This framework, called the multiphase optimization strategy (MOST),
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Urban Affairs Association Seeking Papers, Posters, Panel, and Roundtable Proposals for Annual Conference
The Russel Sage Journal for Social Sciences has a Request for Articles for a New Volume!
RSF: The Russell Sage Journal for the Social Sciences has a Request for Articles for a volume entitled, “US Census 2020: Continuity and Change.” Prospective contributors should submit a CV and an abstract (up to two pages in length, single or double spaced) of their study along with up to two pages of supporting material (e.g., tables, figures, pictures, references that don’t fit on the proposal pages, etc.) no later than 5 PM EST on November 16,
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Demography Events
- IUSSP Seminar on Migration in the Past: Patterns, Causes, Consequences and Implications (Deadline: 10/28/2022)
Conferences & Calls for Papers
- DSHS FFA RDA Research Associate Washington State Department of Social and Health Services (Deadline: 10/20/2022)
- Data Science Career Fair University of Washington, Husky Union Building (HUB) (Deadline: 10/20/2022)
- Postdoc Position on ERC Project on Siblings’ Intergenerational Social Class Mobility University of Copenhagen, Department of Sociology (Deadline: 10/26/2022)
- King County Hiring Data Manager King County, Washington (Deadline: 10/28/2022)
- Assistant Professor, Urban/Social Policy University of Connecticut School of Public Policy (Deadline: 11/1/2022)
- Assistant Professor: Urban and Environmental Health Geographer San Diego State University (Deadline: 11/1/2022)
- Post Doctoral Opportunity at UNC’s Global Food Research Program University of North Carolina (Deadline: 11/15/2022)
- Postdoctoral Research Associate in Education and Mixed Methods Brown University, Population Studies and Training Center (Deadline: 11/30/2022)
- University of Wisconsin Accepting Applications for 6 Postdoctoral Researchers for National Poverty Fellows Program! University of Wisconsin-Madison Institute for Research On Poverty (Deadline: 11/30/2022)
- Postdoctoral Fellow: US Immigrant and Immigration Policies (Weitzman) University of Texas, Austin (Deadline: 12/1/2022)
- The Cornell Population Center (CPC) invites applicants for the Frank H.T. Rhodes Postdoctoral Fellowships Cornell University (Deadline: 12/2/2022)
- University of South Carolina Seeking Two Tenure Track Positions (Open until filled)
- Postdoc position at Harvard University Harvard University (Open until filled)
- Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Network Science (IUNI Fellow) Indiana University Bloomington (Open until filled)
- Position in Statistical Analysis Center for Criminal Justice Research State of Washington (Open until filled)
- Research positions for Education Research and Data Center State of Washington (Open until filled)
- Senior Research Analyst – State of Washington State of Washington (Open until filled)
- Institute of Health Metrics and Evaluation seeking new Research position! University of Washington (Open until filled)
- The Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) Seeks Researchers! University of Washington (Open until filled)
- City of Bellevue seeks Demographer Bellevue, Washington (Open until filled)
- Labor Economists at EEOC (Open until filled)
- Several Job Opportunities at The Labor Center and California Policy Lab University of California, Berkely (Open until filled)
- Researcher – Center for Health Information and Analysis Boston, MA (Open until filled)
- School of Public Health at Texas A&M seeks qualified candidates for Instructional Track Professor Positions Texas A&M University (Open until filled)
- Tenure Track Faculty Position, Health and Illness Rowan University- New Jersey, United States (Open until filled)
- Assistant Professor in Rural Sociology Puerto Rico (Open until filled)
- King County Housing Hiring Senior Program Evaluation Analyst King County, Washington (Open until filled)
- US Census Bureau International Program Center (IPIC) hiring multiple positions! (Open until filled)
Center for Studies in Demography and Ecology |
csde@uw.edu 206 Raitt Hall (206) 616-7743 |
UW Box 353412 Seattle, WA 98195-3412 |
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