CSDE Upcoming Workshop- Bayesian Statistics: Likelihoods, Priors & Posteriors
On Thursday, November 17, from 12:00PM-2:00PM, CSDE presents the first of a year-long series of CSDE Workshops on Bayesian statistics. This installment, called “Introduction to Bayesian Statistics: Likelihoods, Priors & Posteriors” will focus on the necessary probability and statistical background necessary to write down Bayesian models and calculate posteriors under conjugacy. We will *not* be analyzing data with any statistical software during this workshop. The workshop will take place in Hans Rosling Center 101. Use the following link to read more and register for the workshop: https://csde.washington.edu/workshop/introduction-bayesian-likelihoods-priors-posteriors/
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CDWG This Week! Religion and Mask Noncompliance During Covid-19 (11/16/22 @3pm)
The Computational Demography Working Group will host Junhe Yang’s (Sociology) presentation “Political and Educational Dynamics in Religious Group’s Mask Noncompliance Under COVID-19” [For more details visit here]. This study investigates the mediation effect of conservative political ideology on the relationship between religiosity and the noncompliance of masks under COVID-19, and the moderated effect of education on the mediation relationship. Using nationally representative data from COVID-19 and Social Distancing Survey, a moderated mediation analysis is applied to examine the pathway from religiosity via political conservativeness to the noncompliance of masks,
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Formal Demography Working Group – Estimating Adult Mortality (11/29/22 @6am)
Monica Alexander and the U of Toronto team are hosting the next meeting of the Formal Demography Working Group on Tuesday, 29 November at 9am ET (Toronto time) [11am Belo Horizonte time, 3pm Vienna/Rostock/Denmark time]. Bernardo Queiroz will give a talk on “Estimating adult mortality in countries with defective data: some alternative approaches”
Zoom details:
Zoom link: https://utoronto.zoom.us/j/88513950799
Meeting ID: 885 1395 0799
Passcode: eulerlotka
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Discussion with UW’s Health Systems and Population Health (HSPOP) Seminar: Post-Dobbs Policy, Politicization, Process (11/16/22 @12 noon)
Join the Health Systems and Population Health Seminar on November 16th for their discussion about the Dobbs v Jackson Women’s Health Organization Surpreme Court decision on abortion and its implications on policy-relevant health services research. For a flier of the event click here!
The event will be held on Zoom on Wednesday November 16th from 12:00-1:00 pm PST.
Join Zoom: https://washington.zoom.us/j/95455343243?pwd=UjNxcmZIMzViNEZDUzdkN2dISXdXdz09
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CSSS Seminar: Modeling Spatially Correlated Survival Data (11/16/22 @12:30pm)
The Center for Statistics and the Social Sciences Seminar Series will be hosting Prince Allotey, University of Washington Professor of Statistics, who will give a seminar titled, “Modeling Spatially Correlated Survival Data and their Applications.” The seminar will occur on On Wednesday, November 16 at 12:30 pm, and will be offered as a Hybrid session. Below please find the abstract and information about joining in-person or on Zoom.
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School of Nursing Endowed Lecture: Collaborative & Innovative Research Integrating Social and Biological Determinants of Disease (11/17/22 @12 noon)
The School of Nursing is hosting Dr. Shannon Zenk, Director for the National Institute of Nursing Research who will be leading a discussion on collaborative, innovative nursing research that integrates social and biological determinates of disease to promote health of all people. Those interested can join virtually here, or in person at the University of Washington’s Husky Union Building in room 250. There will be a reception to follow the presentation after an event you are sure to not want to miss!
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CSDE Co-Sponsors ’Sparking Climate Connections’ Lightning Talks with UW EarthLab (Due 11/17/22 @12 noon)
CSDE Affiliates are invited to sign up to give a brief talk about how their research connects relates to climate change at UW EarthLab’s December 1st event ‘Sparking Climate Connections: UW Lightning Talks on Climate Change’ . Lightning talk video presentations will be accepted on a rolling basis until noon on Thursday, November 17. The registration portal is the go-to place to submit a recorded lightning talk, sign up to view the lightning talks and RSVP to the in-person evening networking reception at the Douglas Forum at the Foster School of Business.
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Provide NIH Input For Planning a Workshop on Gender Affirming Care for Transgender and Gender-Diverse Populations (Due 11/18/22)
The NIH and the Sexual & Gender Minority Research Office (SMRO) has just published an RFI that seeks input from researchers and community members about research opportunities related to the four domains highlighted below. This input will serve as a valuable element in the development of a workshop and subsequent report, and the community’s time and consideration are highly appreciated.
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Invitation to Join Homelessness Research Initiative Gathering (11/29/22 @3pm)
*NEW* UW Diversity and Inclusion Seed Grants (Due 12/16/22)
The Vice President for Minority Affairs & Diversity and University Diversity Officer is pleased to offer Diversity and Inclusion Seed Grants. These small grants support projects for institutional transformation across the University of Washington’s tri-campus community that align with the goals of the 2022-2026 UW Diversity Blueprint.
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Call for Papers! 6th International Conference on Aging & Technology Fair (Due by Jan 31,2023)
The 2023 (eng)aging! conference & technology fair held in Prague on April 26–27, 2023. The conference will focus on the potential of the silver economy to benefit all generations and on building capacity to manage crises and their impact on the lives of older persons.
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Invitation to Join NIH Behavioral and Social Sciences Research Festival (12/8/22 & 12/9/22)
The National Institutes of Health (NIH) will be hosting its Social Sciences Research (BSSR) Festival on December 8th/9th! The festival will showcase exciting research results, emerging research areas, and innovations in health related to BSSR. To register to attend and view the festival agenda click here. The sessions are going to include Social connection, Mental and Emotional health, Social Determinants of Health, and Measurement in BSSR with a wide range of presenters.
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