CSDE Seeks to Hire Computational Demographer & Research Scientist!
The University of Washington’s Center for Studies in Demography and Ecology (CSDE) has a full time Computational Demographer position located at the Seattle Campus. The CSDE fosters cutting-edge population research and is partnering with the UW’s eScience Institute to support the increasing demand for computational demographers across our organizations and the UW. This position will provide methodological support to faculty and graduate students studying demographic processes and their connections to population health dynamics, as well as leadership on innovative new projects consistent with the scientific emphases of CSDE and eScience.
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US Census to Host Talk on Effects of the National War Labor Board on Labor Income Inequality (11/30/2022 @1pm)
The U.S. Census Bureau will be hosting Dr. Nicolas L. Ziebarth on November 20th @1pm ET on the United States federal government policies surrounding wage controls through the National War Labor Board. During World War II, The US government instituted an explicit policy of wage controls with the aim of controlling inflation and discouraging labor mobility. These wage controls, which differed by industry, occupation, and geographic region, specified maximum allowable raises for those earning less than a certain level and froze wages greater than that level.
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CSDE’s Computational Demography Working Group Meeting (11/30/2022 @3pm)
The Computational Demography Working Group (CDWG) will be having its meeting from 3pm-4pm on Wednesday Nov 30th. This meeting is available for anyone interested in or doing computational demographic research, for more information look here!
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UW BIRCH World AIDS Day Webinar: Integrating Mental Health into HIV Prevention, Care, and Treatment Programs (12/1/2022)
The UW Behavioral Research Center for HIV will be hosting a webinar on December 1st, 2022 from 7am-8am PST.
Dr. Pamela Collins, Co-Director of BIRCH Integrated Care Core will serve as moderator as we host psychologists Jhanille Brooks and Belinda White alongside Gloira Gonese of Zim-TTECH, James Sale of United for Global Mental Health, and fellow BIRCH ICC Co-Director Dr. Lydia Chwastiak.
Zoom registration is required!
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CENSUS Hosts Pre-Release Webinar Re 2017-2021 ACS Five Year Estimates
Please read this important news regarding the American Community Survey (ACS) and the Census Bureau’s plans regarding the 2017-2021 ACS Five Year Estimates.
Pre-release webinar for ACS 5-year estimates: On Thursday, December 1, 2:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. ET, the Census Bureau will host a pre-release webinar on the 2017-2021 American Community Survey (ACS) Five Year Estimates in anticipation of the ACS data becoming publicly available on December 8. The webinar will explain how to access data and online resources from the 2017-2021 ACS as well as provide tips for comparing ACS geographies and statistics over time.
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Trainees! Consider Signing Up for the “Text as Data” Seminar in Winter Quarter 2023
Jing Xu and Ben Marwick are set to be co-teaching a graduate seminar on computational analysis of text, centered on the book “Text as Data: A New Framework for Machine Learning and the Social Sciences. A guide for using computational text analysis to learn about the social world”. If you have research that is using or expects to use social media posts, free-form survey responses, government documents or other text this may be a great opportunity for you!
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Network for Data Intensive Research on Aging (NDIRA) Invites You to Join!
The Network for Data Intensive Research on Aging (NDIRA) is a collaboration between IPUMS and the University of Minnesota Life Course Center. NDIRA supports an emerging interdisciplinary community of scientists using novel collections of cross-sectional, longitudinal, and contextual data—including IPUMS—for research on population aging. Here are two NDIRA opportunities that may be of interest:
Data-Intensive Research Conference
Abstract submissions are officially open for the NDIRA-sponsored 2023 Data-Intensive Research Conference
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IPUMS Releases 2021 ACS 1-Year Summary Files
The University of Minnesota’s IPUMS has added the 2021 1-Year Summary File from the American Community Survey (ACS). Over 1,300 new tables are now available for geographic areas with 65,000 or more residents. NHGIS also completed over 1,400 updates in the “context fields” for selected summary datasets, including area measures, geographic coordinates, data suppression flags, and geographic class codes (e.g., incorporated vs. unincorporated places).
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