Sign up for Limited Submissions Notifications Through UW Office of Research
The UW’s Office of Research manages all limited submission opportunities, including notifying the research community about them and evaluating which submissions move forward from UW to the funder. If you’d like to be alerted to those opportunities sign up for their listserv or visit their web page:
Many federal agencies and foundations offer grants, awards, and fellowships that limit the number of applications that can come from one institution. To increase the chances of the UW succeeding in such limited submission opportunity applications, the Office of Research has established a procedure to review pre-proposals in a timely fashion.
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UWFT for Principal Investigators
As you are all well aware, UW is making the transition to a new financial management system - fondly called UWFT! The Office of Research has worked closely with the UWFT team to put together some guidance for Principal Investigators. In what follows, you can see some of the highlights, links to resources, and key dates that you should know.
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New Content from the Journal of International Migration Review
Check out the latest release from International Migration Review, Volume 57, Issue 2! You can find the new articles contained in the volume here!
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New Content from the Journal of Population Economics
Check out the latest release from the Journal of Population Economics, Volume 36, Issue 3! You can find the new articles contained in the volume here!
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UW Workshop: Working with Vulnerable Populations for Greater Community Resilience (5/30/23)
This workshop will focus on scholarship and strategies to reduce homelessness, expand personal mobility, and lessen risks of natural disaster, especially for underserved and vulnerable communities. Our focus will be unified by an overall approach on improving resilience and health. We will bring together researchers from a variety of fields spanning engineering, social sciences, health, and humanities to discuss with civic and community stakeholders the challenges cities face and develop ideas addressing three themes:
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CSSS Seminar: Abhi Datta, Associate Professor in the Department of Biostatistics at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health (5/31/23 @12:30 PM)
Please join the Center for Statistics and the Social Sciences for their final speaker. On Wednesday, May 31st at 12:30 pm, Abhi Datta, Associate Professor in the Department of Biostatistics at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health will give a seminar titled, “Correcting for misclassification bias in cause-specific mortality estimates”
This seminar will be offered as a hybrid session. Below please find the abstract and information about joining in-person or on Zoom.
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Center for Statistics and the Social Sciences Poster Session (6/5/23 @ 3PM)
Please join the CSSS graduate student poster showcase session. Graduate students from three advanced CSSS statistics courses will present their final course projects to the UW community on Monday, June 5, from 3-5 p.m. in HUB 334.
The three classes presenting at the session include:
- STAT/BIOST/CSSS 529: Sample Survey Techniques, taught Dr. Elena Erosheva
- STAT/CSSS 567: Statistical Analysis of Networks, taught by Dr. Tyler McCormick
- STAT/CSSS: Causal Modeling,
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Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Grand Challenges Funding Opportunity (Due 6/5/23)
The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation launched a new Grand Challenges (GC) request for proposals, “Catalyzing Equitable Artificial Intelligence (AI) Use”.
Level: Up to $100,000 USD/project Duration: 3 months Application deadline: 5 June 2023, 11:30 AM Pacific Time
You can find additional information about the call for proposals at this link.
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*New* 17th Annual Graduate Climate Conference (GCC) (Due 6/7/23)
MIT will be hosting the 17th Annual Graduate Climate Conference (GCC) on November 2-4, 2023 at the Marine Biological Laboratory in Woods Hole, Massachusetts. The GCC is an annual interdisciplinary climate conference run by graduate students, for graduate students featuring panel discussions, presentations, workshops, social events, and more. GCC highlights climate research from a variety of disciplines within the physical, natural, and social sciences and humanities, including: anthropology, atmospheric sciences, biology, communication, environmental sciences, economics, engineering, ethics, geography, geology, law, oceanography, public health, public policy, resource management, forestry, and more.
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Deadline Extension for the Panel Study of Income Dynamics (PSID) Data User Workshop! (6/12-6/16/23)
There is still time to apply to this year’s workshop on the Panel Study of Income Dynamics. Please see the information below and contact Noura Insolera ( with any questions.
Join the ICPSR waitlist: Upload application materials (CV and cover letter):
This five-day workshop will orient participants to the content and structure of the core PSID interview, its special topics modules,
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Introduction to Vocabularies in Population Research (6/12/23)
On June 12, 2023 @5am, the International Union for the Scientific Study of Population (IUSSP) is hosting a webinar to discuss a recent report of the IUSSP-CODATA Working Group on FAIR Vocabularies in Population Research. The working group is proposing to build a new system for finding, integrating, and harmonizing data in the field of population research. The first step is to create a dictionary for creating metadata categories for datasets.
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2023 ICPSR Summer Program in Quantitative Methods (Registration Due 06/19/23)
Apply for the 2023 ICPSR Summer Program in Quantitative Methods! They will be offering over 90 courses and lectures in research methods. Nearly all of which will be offered both in person and online live with recordings available. On campus housing is available for the 3-Week Sessions and Intersession! For more information, look here!
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Washington Sea Grant Fellowship (Due 6/21/23)
The Washington Sea Grant Keystone Fellowship offers a unique career development opportunity for recent graduates of masters or Ph.D programs in ocean, coastal and policy issues. In fall 2023, this one-year, paid fellowship will place a Keystone Fellow with the Seattle Aquarium with primary mentorship by Riley Pollom (Species Recovery Program Manager) and co-mentorship from Jasmine Williams (Connections Program Manager) and Erin Meyer (Vice President of Conservation Programs and Partnerships).
The Fellow will work primarily on science and/or policy projects with an additional emphasis on work related to the advancement of environmental justice,
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Title NIH Announces Call for Research on Biopsychsocial Factors of Social Connectedness and Isolation on Health, Wellbeing, Illness and Recovery (Due 6/21/23, 6/21/24, 6/21/25)
NIH has announced PAR-21-350 an R01 Mechanism to investigate biopsychsocial factors of social connectedness and isolation on health, well-being, illness and recovery. Research areas of interest include understanding differences and similarities between objective social isolation and loneliness, how complex biopsychosocial processes are regulated in the body, what occurs in response to dysregulation, and antecedent processes that influence responses to the trajectories of social relationships. Studies that involve neurobiological approaches—for example, how social or isolated settings influence neurobiological systems,
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NSF Announces Cultural Anthropology Program Senior Research Awards (Due 8/15/23)
The National Science Foundation recently providing guidelines for submitting Cultural Anthropology Senior Research Award proposals. The Cultural Anthropology Program supports research aimed at understanding patterns, causes and consequences of human social and cultural variation, including research that has implications for confronting anthropogenic problems.
See the guidelines in PDF format
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Call for Abstracts: 23rd Annual IGSC Conference (Due 9/15/23)
The East-West Center International Graduate Student Conference (IGSC) is accepting abstracts from current graduate students, as well as from scholars, practitioners, artists, and scientists, who have completed a graduate degree within the past three years. IGSC welcomes abstracts globally and from any discipline related to the US and Asia-Pacific region.
This year’s theme is Elucidating the Periphery: Rethinking Neglected Narratives and Novel Approaches. This student organized conference provides an opportunity to venture beyond one’s own boundaries to interface with neglected narratives from peripheral perspectives as well as novel techniques in a transdisciplinary context.
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*New* OBSSR-Led Funding Opportunities: Accelerating Behavioral and Social Science through Ontology Development and Use (Due 10/03/23)
This NOFO invites applications from multi-disciplinary teams to establish a Dissemination and Coordination Center (DCC) for the Behavioral and Social Science Ontology Development U01 Research Network Projects (PAR-23-182). Teams must include subject matter experts in 1) one or more fields of behavioral or social science, 2) ontology-related informatics and computational approaches, and 3) Team Science or the Science of Science
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CSDE Population Research Planning Grants (PRPGs): Open for Applications
Population Research Planning Grants (PRPGs) are designed to provide in-kind support and/or funds of up to $25k* to support a wide array of activity types throughout the development of a research project. As part of our mission to complement, rather than duplicate, other campus opportunities, we will consider funding many more small and large types of activities that will lead to research products (publications, grants, data access sites and data documentation, code repositories, etc.).
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CSDE Matching Support: Open for Applications
CSDE is available to provide matching in-kind or monetary support to accompany a submission to other on-campus funding mechanism, such as Earthlab, Population Health Initiative, Royalty Research Fund, or Urban@UW
All projects inquiring about matching funds, must have a CSDE affiliate who is a UW faculty and will be listed as a PI or co-PI.
Note that we strongly suggest contacting either Development Core Director (Steven Goodreau) or CSDE Director (Sara Curran) to discuss possibilities for your specific proposal before submission.
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