*New* RWJF Applications for Research on Structural Barriers to Economic Inclusion for Children & Families (due 6/21/23)
The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation is seeking applications for research on how to address the structural barriers to economic inclusion for children and families. Awards are up to $750,000. The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) has a vision of a Culture of Health rooted in equity where everyone has a fair and just opportunity to reach their best health and well-being, no matter their race, ethnicity, or social class. Economic inclusion for family well-being is one of RWJF’s central goals and the heartbeat of the Healthy Children and Families (HCF) theme.
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*New* Graduate Students – Application Open for CSDE’s Demographic Methods Certificate Program (Due 6/30/23)
Center for Studies in Demography and Ecology (CSDE) is accepting applications to its Graduate Certificate Program in Demographic Methodsfor the Autumn enrollment in the 2023-2024 Trainee Cohort. Students looking to gain demographic skills and population research experience may choose to apply to the Certificate Program, which is the academic pathway at UW to advanced interdisciplinary training in demography and population research. Upon completion, certificate students will receive official recognition of the Demographic Methods certificate on their transcript.
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*New* Population Health Initiative is Hiring a Temp Research Scientist for Vaccine Disparities Research
The Population Health Initiative has an outstanding opportunity for a Temporary Research Scientist to join our team. This position is full-time and anticipated to be 11 months in duration. The Research Scientist will be a core member of a mixed-methods study to compare resilient immunization programs in the United States and Canada to reduce racial gaps in vaccination levels. Key activities include measuring and reviewing changes in vaccine equity in Canada over time
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*New* Gates Foundation Seeks Postdoc-equivalent Opportunity in Family Planning Research
The Gates Foundation is seeking to hire for a postdoc-equivalent position in family planning analyses and modeling. They are seeking someone with a PhD (or planned to complete this spring/summer) and a set of longitudinal and statistical modeling skills. For more information visit: Careers (myworkdayjobs.com)
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*New* Content Published in Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
Check out the most recent work published in the Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies! You can view the articles here.
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*New* Check Out this New Issue from Journal of Family History
The Journal of Family History has released a new issue, Volume 48, Number 3. This issue contains research on Birth Control as a National Challenge: Nationalizing Concepts of Families in Eastern Europe, 1914–1939. Feel free to check it out here!
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Deadline Extension for the Panel Study of Income Dynamics (PSID) Data User Workshop! (6/12-6/16/23)
There is still time to apply to this year’s workshop on the Panel Study of Income Dynamics. Please see the information below and contact Noura Insolera (nehamid@umich.edu) with any questions.
Join the ICPSR waitlist: https://cvent.me/ZLQP91 Upload application materials (CV and cover letter): https://forms.gle/sG4h9Aoix79theY9A
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Introduction to Vocabularies in Population Research (6/12/23)
On June 12, 2023 @5am, the International Union for the Scientific Study of Population (IUSSP) is hosting a webinar to discuss a recent report of the IUSSP-CODATA Working Group on FAIR Vocabularies in Population Research. The working group is proposing to build a new system for finding, integrating, and harmonizing data in the field of population research. The first step is to create a dictionary for creating metadata categories for datasets.
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2023 ICPSR Summer Program in Quantitative Methods (Registration Due 06/19/23)
Apply for the 2023 ICPSR Summer Program in Quantitative Methods! They will be offering over 90 courses and lectures in research methods. Nearly all of which will be offered both in person and online live with recordings available. On campus housing is available for the 3-Week Sessions and Intersession! For more information, look here!
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NIH Announces Call for Research on Biopsychsocial Factors of Social Connectedness and Isolation on Health, Wellbeing, Illness and Recovery (Due 6/21/23, 6/21/24, 6/21/25)
NIH has announced PAR-21-350 an R01 Mechanism to investigate biopsychsocial factors of social connectedness and isolation on health, well-being, illness and recovery. Research areas of interest include understanding differences and similarities between objective social isolation and loneliness, how complex biopsychosocial processes are regulated in the body, what occurs in response to dysregulation, and antecedent processes that influence responses to the trajectories of social relationships. Studies that involve neurobiological approaches—for example, how social or isolated settings influence neurobiological systems,
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NSF Announces Cultural Anthropology Program Senior Research Awards (Due 8/15/23)
The National Science Foundation recently providing guidelines for submitting Cultural Anthropology Senior Research Award proposals. The Cultural Anthropology Program supports research aimed at understanding patterns, causes and consequences of human social and cultural variation, including research that has implications for confronting anthropogenic problems.
See the guidelines in PDF format
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Call for Abstracts: 23rd Annual IGSC Conference (Due 9/15/23)
The East-West Center International Graduate Student Conference (IGSC) is accepting abstracts from current graduate students, as well as from scholars, practitioners, artists, and scientists, who have completed a graduate degree within the past three years. IGSC welcomes abstracts globally and from any discipline related to the US and Asia-Pacific region.
This year’s theme is Elucidating the Periphery: Rethinking Neglected Narratives and Novel Approaches. This student organized conference provides an opportunity to venture beyond one’s own boundaries to interface with neglected narratives from peripheral perspectives as well as novel techniques in a transdisciplinary context.
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*New* RFAs from NIH on Social Networks and Health (due 11/3/23)
Two new calls seek basic observational or experimental behavioral and/or social science R01 applications that test how intrapersonal and interpersonal mechanisms of behavior change interact with, influence, or are influenced by characteristics of social networks, with implications for health. Research supported through this NOFO will examine at least two levels of analysis: interpersonal processes and social network characteristics. Projects will identify targets for future social network health behavior change interventions across the lifespan, especially in populations in which they are currently largely underdeveloped and untested
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CSDE Population Research Planning Grants (PRPGs): Open for Applications
Population Research Planning Grants (PRPGs) are designed to provide in-kind support and/or funds of up to $25k* to support a wide array of activity types throughout the development of a research project. As part of our mission to complement, rather than duplicate, other campus opportunities, we will consider funding many more small and large types of activities that will lead to research products (publications, grants, data access sites and data documentation, code repositories, etc.).
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CSDE Matching Support: Open for Applications
CSDE is available to provide matching in-kind or monetary support to accompany a submission to other on-campus funding mechanism, such as Earthlab, Population Health Initiative, Royalty Research Fund, or Urban@UW
All projects inquiring about matching funds, must have a CSDE affiliate who is a UW faculty and will be listed as a PI or co-PI.
Note that we strongly suggest contacting either Development Core Director (Steven Goodreau) or CSDE Director (Sara Curran) to discuss possibilities for your specific proposal before submission.
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