CSDE Computing Core Secures Block Award for Infrastructure
This year, CSDE Research Computing secured an annual ongoing STF Block Award in the amount of $173,700.00. This is a vital resource for CSDE computing and is the result of over 20 years of successful, annual grant applications to STF. STF has been extremely impressed by the services we provide to UW students and now recognizes that service and facilities with an ongoing block award.
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Call for Papers for 2023 PSID Annual User Conference (Due 07/09/23)
The University of Michigan’s Institute for Social Research just issued a call for papers for the annual users conference of the Panel Study of Income Dynamics (PSID). The PSID are a fantastic resource for social science analyses. CSDE can host the PSID within the UW Data Collaborative, if that is of interest. For more information, contact csde_consult@uw.edu.
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Graduate Research Assistant Needed for UW School of Law (7/15/23)
CSDE Affiliate Gregg Colburn and Christine Cimini (UW Law School) are seeking a graduate research assistant to conduct research on the use of mediation/conflict resolution techniques to improve the residential stability of households served by Seattle Housing Authority. They have secured funding to support a graduate student (PhD student preferred) for the entire 2023-2024 academic year at a 50% appointment.
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*New* Russell Sage Foundation Grant Application Letters of Intent (Due 7/26/23)
The Russell Sage Foundation’s summer deadline to submit Letters of Intent (LOI) for research grant funding is approaching on July 26. See details below. All research grants provide funding up to $200,000. There are several opportunities that are relevant for CSDE affiliates – those associated with decision-making, work and employment, immigration and immigrant integration, race and ethnicity, and social, political and economic inequality. CSDE’s Development Core team can help with proposal preparation. Steve Goodreau and Sara Curran have both assisted with successful RSF grant applications.
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*New* WT Grant Foundation – Research Grants to Improve Research Use (Due 8/2/23)
The WT Grant Foundation is seeking applications for studies about how to ensure that the research evidence generated by research is used to improve young people’s lives. Research Grants to Improve Research Use supports research on strategies to improve the use of research evidence in ways that benefit young people ages 5-25 in the United States. The Foundation wants to know what it takes to produce useful research evidence, what it takes to get research used and what happens when research is used.
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Register for the IAPHS 2023 Conference Today (Deadline: 8/15/2023)
This year’s conference theme is “Gender, Sexuality, and Health Across the Life Course: Current Challenges and Opportunities for Population Health and Health Equity” and will take place in Baltimore, Maryland from October 2-5, 2023. For more conference information, click here.
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*New* Societies Journal Seeks Papers for Special Issue (Due 2/5/24)
Societies invites research articles, literature reviews, and conceptual papers and is fully open access. This special issue aims to explore the social dynamics surrounding the movement of people within and across national borders and related struggles for belonging while attending to global structures of race and/or the legacies and present-day workings of Colonialism and Settler Colonialism. They request that prior to submitting a full manuscript interested authors submit a proposed title and an abstract of 400-600 words summarizing the intended contribution.
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*New* Issue from Population Studies Available
The July issue of Population Studies Volume 77, Issue 2 was just released and can be found here.
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*New* Special Issue from the Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
The Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies released a new issue! You can view the collection of articles here.
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*New* International Migration Review Latest Issue
The International Migration Review just published its summer 2023 issue. Topics include the impact of COVID-19 on mobility, human trafficking, humanitarianism among diasporic communities, and more.
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*New* Issue of Population and Development Review
We’re pleased to share the latest issue for Population and Development Review. The June issue includes new methodological approaches and substantive insights on life course, population displacement, fertility trends, gender, and child well-being.
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NCES and NSDS Seeks Solutions for Expanding Equitable Access to RDCs (Due 7/6/23)
On June 14, 2023, ATI published a Requests for Solutions (RFS): Expanding Equitable Access to Restricted-Use Data through Federal Statistical Research Data Centers. Information can be found on the America’s Data Hub site. The Government is interested in assessing future capabilities of a National Secure Data Service (NSDS) by strategically examining user demand/needs of the Federal Statistical Research Data Center (FSRDC) network and by establishing a targeted pilot program to make funding supports available among underserved communities and institutions.
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Call for Papers for 2023 PSID Annual User Conference (Due 07/09/23)
The University of Michigan’s Institute for Social Research just issued a call for papers for the annual users conference of the Panel Study of Income Dynamics (PSID). The PSID are a fantastic resource for social science analyses. CSDE can host the PSID within the UW Data Collaborative, if that is of interest. For more information, contact csde_consult@uw.edu.
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NSF Announces Cultural Anthropology Program Senior Research Awards (Due 8/15/23)
The National Science Foundation recently providing guidelines for submitting Cultural Anthropology Senior Research Award proposals. The Cultural Anthropology Program supports research aimed at understanding patterns, causes and consequences of human social and cultural variation, including research that has implications for confronting anthropogenic problems.
See the guidelines in PDF format
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IES Releases Two New FY 2024 Requests for Applications (8/17/23)
The Institute of Education Sciences has released two new requests for applications for fiscal year 2024 (FY 2024) and invites applications for the Using Longitudinal Data to Support State Education Policymaking Grants program (84.305S) and the Transformative Research in the Education Sciences Grants program (84.305T) with applications due August 17, 2023.
Through the Using Longitudinal Data to Support State Education Policymaking grant program, IES supports state agencies to use their state’s education longitudinal data systems (SLDS) to provide evidence for their own program and policy decisions and those of their local education agencies.
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NIH Releases Limited Competition to Advance Global Health Research (9/1/23)
NIH has released a recent notice of application for a limited competition entitled Collaborative Partnership to Advance Global Health Research, due September 1st, 2023. The goal of this notice of funding opportunity (NOFO) is to develop, establish, implement, and maintain a successful collaborative partnership to advance NIH priorities, support NIH collaboration on global health, and advance biomedical research internationally. This program will support a partnership between the NIH and the recipient(s) with the commitment and capacity to help extend NIH research-related programs worldwide.
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Call for Abstracts: 23rd Annual IGSC Conference (Due 9/15/23)
The East-West Center International Graduate Student Conference (IGSC) is accepting abstracts from current graduate students, as well as from scholars, practitioners, artists, and scientists, who have completed a graduate degree within the past three years. IGSC welcomes abstracts globally and from any discipline related to the US and Asia-Pacific region.
This year’s theme is Elucidating the Periphery: Rethinking Neglected Narratives and Novel Approaches. This student organized conference provides an opportunity to venture beyond one’s own boundaries to interface with neglected narratives from peripheral perspectives as well as novel techniques in a transdisciplinary context.
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RFAs from NIH on Social Networks and Health (due 11/3/23)
Two new calls seek basic observational or experimental behavioral and/or social science R01 applications that test how intrapersonal and interpersonal mechanisms of behavior change interact with, influence, or are influenced by characteristics of social networks, with implications for health. Research supported through this NOFO will examine at least two levels of analysis: interpersonal processes and social network characteristics. Projects will identify targets for future social network health behavior change interventions across the lifespan, especially in populations in which they are currently largely underdeveloped and untested
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