October 2, 2018
CSDE Seminar Series
Autumn 2018 Opening Reception
When: Friday, Oct 5, 2018 (12:30-1:30 PM) Where: Smith Room in Suzzallo Library
Come celebrate the start of the year with CSDE! Catch up with your colleagues, meet new affiliates, fellows, and trainees, and find out what is new at CSDE. Refreshments provided.
We are meeting at the usual 12:30 PM seminar time, but please note the special location for the Reception: Smith Room in Suzzallo Library
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CSDE Workshops
First Autumn Quarter Biomarker Working Group
When: Tuesday, Oct 30, 2018 (2:00-3:00 PM) Where: 114 Raitt Hall
Join CSDE’s Biomarker Working Group meetings for the 2018-2019 academic year! The purpose of the Working Group is to provide a forum for discussions of practical and theoretical issues associated with collecting and using biomarker data in social and behavioral science research. We hope to provide an opportunity for faculty and students with an interest in biomarker methods to meet researchers with similar interests from departments across campus.
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Upcoming Workshops on Stata, Python, WebScraping and R
Designed to complement formal course instruction, CSDE Workshops are offered in a shorter, more accessible format responsive to the specific demographic research needs of CSDE’s Trainees and Faculty Affiliates.
This October, CSDE will be offering Workshops on the topics below. Click on any Workshop to learn more and register:
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CSDE Research & Highlights
Michael Esposito Highlighted as IAPHS Member of the Month
The Interdisciplinary Association for Population Health Science (IAPHS) has honored CSDE Fellow Alumnus, Michael Esposito, PhD in Sociology at UW, as Member of the Month. Dr. Esposito is now Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the University of Michigan, Survey Research Center and Institute for Social Research. He specializes in population health and studies how and why race matters for health. His work describes the processes that generate racial disparities in health outcomes and addresses methodological difficulties by applying cutting-edge methods to unique data.
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CSDE Welcomes Jennifer Utrata, Visiting Burkhardt Fellow
Center for Studies in Demography and Ecology |
csde@uw.edu 206 Raitt Hall (206) 616-7743 |
UW Box 353412 Seattle, WA 98195-3412 |
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