December 4, 2018
CSDE Seminar Series
Trainee Lightning Talks and Poster Session
When: Friday, Dec 7, 2018 (12:30-1:30 PM) Where: Green A - Research Commons in Allen Library South
Come meet CSDE’s graduate students, who will share their cutting-edge research and latest demographic insights. The newest members of UW’s population science community are eager to connect their work across disciplines, and translate their findings for basic and applied research impact.
Benjamin Jones and Nicole Chartier, Linguistics Six Views of New England: Mapping Perceptions of New England Speech
Neal Marquez, Sociology Segregation and Sentiment: Estimating Refugee Segregation and Its Effects Using Digital Trace Data
Charles C Lanfear, Sociology Family Dynamics, Birth Timing, and Child Temperament: A Dynamic Sibling Model Approach
Daphne Liu, Statistics Assessing the Impact of Potential Policies on Fertility in High-Fertility Countries Using Granger Causality and Bayesian Hierarchical Models
Adrien Allorant, Global Health Who is Making the Grade? Statistical Methods for Detecting Unusual Performance in HIV Care and Treatment Programs Using EMR Data in a Low-Resource Setting
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CSDE Research & Highlights
Important: Webinar on the 2020 Census Citizenship Question
The Population Association of America, with support from the Population Reference Bureau, is presenting a webinar on “Why an Untested Citizenship Question Threatens the 2020 Census” on Wednesday, 12/5/2018, 4:00-5:00 PM. You can register for the webinar here.
With the 2020 Census set to begin in less than 18 months, the Trump Administration has proposed adding an untested question on citizenship status to the decennial survey. This action is currently being challenged in federal court by several states, and a decision is pending. Civil rights and scientific organizations alike are concerned that including the citizenship question will adversely affect participation in the 2020 Census and, ultimately, the quality of decennial census data.
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Next Computational Demography Working Group Meeting
For the second meeting of this year’s Computational Demography Working Group, sponsored by CSDE and eScience, we’ll hold a roundtable on using Facebook advertising platform data for demographic research. The CDWG will meet on Thursday, 12/6/2018, 12:00-1:30 PM in Raitt 114. All are welcome, and lunch will be provided. If you would like to join our mailing list, please fill out this form.
Three UW graduate students with active projects using Facebook ads data will lead the conversation: Lee Fiorio (Geography), Connor Gilroy (Sociology), and Neal Marquez (Sociology).
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CSDE Welcomes Three More Affiliates!
CSDE’s Executive Committee is pleased to introduce three of our new Research Affiliates:
- Jody Early – Associate Professor, School of Nursing and Health Studies, UW-Bothell. Early conducts community-based participatory research projects focused on social-ecological factors impacting health, community-based health interventions, and technologies that enhance critical pedagogy in health promotion and higher education.
- Jacqueline Meijer-Irons – User Researcher, Experiences and Devices Management, Microsoft. Meijer-Irons uses a mixed methods research approach in her work with design and engineering teams to understand the needs of enterprise customers who use Microsoft products.
- Vivien Chen – Senior Education Research Analyst, Education Research & Data Center, State of Washington. Chen evaluates social policies and programs related to Washington public school students’ education and workforce outcomes.
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Melanie Martin Finds that Transition Away from Traditional Diet May Undermine Low Prevalence of Cardiovascular Disease
Following a 5-year study of two lowland Bolivian subsistence populations' diets, CSDE Affiliate Melanie Martin, Assistant Professor of Anthropology, found that a nutrition transition parallels increasing body fat trends, suggesting that the current low prevalence of cardiovascular disease may not persist. While traditional diets have been credited for the cardiometabolic health of subsistence populations, their ongoing nutrition transitions have been linked to the increase in chronic noncommunicable diseases.
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Demography Events
Conferences & Calls for Papers
- Assistant Professor, Social Science Survey Research Methods and Big Data Analytics East Carolina University in North Carolina (Deadline: 12/8/2018)
- Information Systems Assistant, Demographic Methods and Data Systems Unit Population Division, Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA), United Nations (Deadline: 12/29/2018)
- Assistant Professor, Quantitative Methods Point Park University in Pennsylvania (Deadline: 1/1/2019)
- Senior Research Scholar, South Asia Policy Walter H. Shorenstein Asia-Pacific Research Center, Stanford University (Deadline: 1/31/2019)
- Dietrich School Diversity Post-Doctoral Fellowship, Cultural Anthropology of the African Diaspora within North America University of Pittsburgh in Pennsylvania (Deadline: 2/22/2019)
- Post-Doctoral Scholar, Antipoverty Policy Center on Poverty and Social Policy, School of Social Work, Columbia University (Open until filled)
Center for Studies in Demography and Ecology |
csde@uw.edu 206 Raitt Hall (206) 616-7743 |
UW Box 353412 Seattle, WA 98195-3412 |
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