When: Friday, Jan 26, 2018 (12:30-1:30 PM) Where: 121 Raitt Hall
Chris Hess, Erin Carll, and Kyle Crowder, Department of Sociology, UW Ariel Rokem, Bryna Hazelton, and Tim Thomas, eScience Institute, UW
This week, CSDE and the eScience Institute will host presentations showcasing collaborative work on housing and homelessness by researchers from both the Department of Sociology and eScience Institute at UW.
CSDE trainees Chris Hess and Erin Carll, along witth CSDE affiliate Kyle Crowder, will provide a short presentation on their collaborative work utilizing administrative data from the Seattle Housing Authority and King County Housing Authority to examine patterns of mobility among housing-voucher recipients. This will be followed by a presentation by eScience researchers, Ariel Rokem, Bryna Hazelton, and Tim Thomas, who have linked multiple administrative data sources to understand patterns of entries into, and exits out of, homelessness. These projects share important sources of administrative data and have benefited from collaboration on the establishment of data sharing agreements and other logistical components, providing solid examples of the kinds of work that can be facilitated by CSDE’s nascent UW Data Collaborative.
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