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CSDE Research Affiliate

Kyle Crowder

Professor, Sociology
University of Washington
Tel: 206-616-1203

CSDE Committees: Executive Committee Member

CSDE Research Areas:

  • Environments and Populations
  • Health of People and Populations
  • Migration and Settlement
  • Wellbeing of Families and Households

In the News:

Kyle Crowder’s research focuses on the dynamics and consequences of residential stratification. Under this broad umbrella, a central focus of his most recent work has been on the micro-level residential processes shaping persistent patterns of residential segregation and environmental inequality. His research provides insights into racial and ethnic differences in the likelihood of moving out of, and into, neighborhoods characterized by varying levels of population diversity, socioeconomic disadvantage, and physical pollution; the ways in which these disparate mobility processes are shaped by differences in individual- and family-level characteristics, as well as the broader economic, social, and demographic context of residential markets; and the repercussions of these mobility patterns for group differences in access to residential resources. His work also assesses the effects of these neighborhood conditions on individual outcomes, including educational attainment and adolescent development. In the last ten years he has published work on these topics in a number of top outlets, including the American Sociological Review, the American Journal of Sociology, Social Science Research, Social Forces, Demography, Journal of Marriage and the Family, and Population Research and Policy Review. Crowder is currently involved in several ongoing projects related to these themes. With Liam Downey (University of Colorado), he is utilizing data from a variety of sources and rapidly advancing techniques of spatial analysis to provide the first multi-level analyses of environmental inequality, examining the relative influences of racially-differentiated migration patterns and decisions related to the siting of pollution points on racial and ethnic differences in exposure to environmental hazards. This project has received support from NICHD. With Matt Hall (University of Illinois – Chicago) and Stewart Tolnay (University of Washington), Crowder is also assessing how emerging patterns of immigrant settlement have reshaped processes of residential mobility for native-born householders, and how these patterns of mobility vary across traditional and newer immigrant destinations. An important aspect of this and other work by Crowder is the move beyond the tendency in past research to treat neighborhoods as isolated geographic islands, detached from the broader spatial structures in which they are located, to examine the influence of conditions in surrounding neighborhoods on individual outcomes. In a related project, also funded by NICHD, Crowder and Scott South (SUNY-Albany) are examining the effects of metropolitan social, political, and economic conditions on patterns of mobility between increasingly diverse neighborhoods.