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CSDE News & Events

News & Events Blog

CSDE curates and summarizes local demography news and opportunities for our News & Events blog. To get these stories delivered straight to your inbox each week, Subscribe to our Newsletter.

IES Announces Education Research Grants Competition (LOIs due 6/27, Full application due 9/12/24) July 25th, 2024
*New* Vacancy Announcement in the International Programs Center: Statistician (Data Scientist) GS 7-12 (7/29/24) July 25th, 2024

The U.S. Census Bureau’s International Programs Center (IPC) is hiring a Statistician (Data Scientist). We are seeking a talented individual with expertise in data science, statistics, demography, and/or geography to join our team. The Center is charged with sharing the Census Bureau’s expertise globally. Our team works to advance data-driven decision making by providing in-country technical assistance, developing widely-used and free tools for data capture, processing, and analysis, and producing internationally-focused data products.


*New* Biomarker Working Group: DNA Methylation and Epigenetic Clocks (8/1/24) July 25th, 2024

Date: Thursday, August 1, 2024
Time: 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
Location: Raitt 223 and

Please join the CSDE Biomarker Working Group for an upcoming discussion on DNA methylation and epigenetic clocks as biomarkers of aging! Special guest, Dr. Calen Ryan (Associate Research Scientist and Senior Data Scientist, Butler Columbia Aging Center at Columbia University) will present an overview of how epigenetic clocks are used in research on biological aging.

Jones and Schleimer Co-Author Story in the Seattle Times on Violence Intervention Programs July 25th, 2024
CSDE Research

CSDE Affiliate Kristian Jones recently co-authored an article with UW Department of Epidemiology Doctoral Candidate Julia Schleimer in the Seattle Times titled, “Violence Intervention Programs Need Time to Demonstrate Impact.” Dr. Jones and Schleimer are also a part of the UW Firearm Injury & Policy Research Program where they research recent investments in community violence intervention. The article contextualizes questions about whether rates of violence have changed as a result of investing in these interventions and whether it is reasonable to expect immediate changes.

Call for Proposals: Metropolis Americas 2024 – Migration Governance in the Americas July 25th, 2024
Where: Washington D.C.

*New* Call to Action: Link your Publication to CSDE Center Grant July 25th, 2024

The Center for Studies in Demography and Ecology is funded by the NIH to support affiliates in their research, computing needs, and publications. Affiliates that have used any of CSDE’s grant, computing, lab, mentoring, or event services and resources should link their corresponding publication to CSDE’s center grant in PubMed. It’s easy and it shows our sponsors what great work we are doing, which means we can better support you!


Instructions are here:

How to link publications to a grant and Public Access Compliance (PMCID) | Autophagy,

Call for Papers on Immigration and Families: Examining the Causes, Processes, and Consequences of Migration July 25th, 2024
Hess and Ebi Quoted in The New York Times Article About Extreme Heat and Related Health Risks July 25th, 2024
CSDE Research
Photos of Ebi and Hess

Summer 2024 has seen high temperatures and heat waves across the country. Sunday to Tuesday of the week of July 21st were the three hottest days on record. According to the New York Times Article, Heat-Related Emergencies Are Soaring in the U.S. Can Hospitals Keep Up?, these high temperatures caused heat-related emergencies. Preliminary estimates indicate the deaths of more than 100 people in western U.S. states, a number that will increase as death certificates become available.

*New* DSHS Facilities, Finance, and Analytics (FFA) Data Visualization Research Associate (7/31/24) July 25th, 2024
Where: Washington Department of Social and Health Services

Data Visualization Research Associate

Washington Department of Social and Health Services

Olympia, WA

Washington State Department of Social and Health Services, Research and Data Analysis Division is seeking someone highly skilled in designing and communicating policy briefs, program reports, and presentations, this Research Associate in Data Visualization is the career choice for those not only accomplished in policy communication and design but also those that are dedicated to using their expertise to support social service initiatives.

*New* ASA Population Section: July Mid-Month Updates for 2024 July 25th, 2024

Dear Population Section Members,

Welcome to our mid-month updates. We have exciting news, including a call for articles from the Russell Sage Foundation Journal of the Social Sciences and an invitation from the ASA Section on Aging and the Life Course.

As a reminder, our pop section activities at ASA will all be held on Sunday, August 11. Those include three paper sessions (one of which is co-sponsored by the Family Section),