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Seminar Series (CSDE 501) Requirements

Receive Credit for Attending the Seminar Series (CSDE 501)

Students may receive one credit for attending the CSDE’s weekly Seminar Series by registering for CSDE 501: Population Studies Seminar. Students enrolled in CSDE 501 are expected to comply with the seminar policies listed below to receive credit. The policies are comparable to policies of other NIH training programs at UW.

Requirements of CSDE 501

Students enrolled in CSDE 501 are expected to participate every week that the seminar series meets. This includes the series’ research presentations, panel discussions, the Lightning Talks and Poster Session, practice session for the annual meeting of the Population Association of America, and special events, such as the welcome reception at the start of fall quarter, and the end of year reception spring quarter. Students will not receive credit for CSDE 501 if they miss more than two meetings.

The absences are not entitlements.  Students enrolled in CSDE 501 are expected to attend every meeting. However, these two permissible absences acknowledge that illnesses, emergencies, research or professional travel, and important professional opportunities or work responsibilities that conflict with the seminar occasionally arise and are not within your control. CSDE does not require documentation or explanation for up to two absences because students are assumed to follow the highest professional standards and comply with the seminar policy regarding justifiable absences.


  1. Sign in at the beginning of every meeting, including special events held during the time of the seminar. You are responsible for remembering to sign in.
  2. If you forget the first procedure, email Jessica Godwin as soon as you remember that you forgot.
  3. If you are unsure of whether a special seminar or symposium is required, ask Jessica Godwin
  4. If you must miss more than two seminars, you may request an exception by documenting all of the justifiable absences (e.g., illnesses, emergencies, research or professional travel, and important professional opportunities or work responsibilities, etc.).
  5. Sign-in sheets are located on a table or counter by the main entrance. If you don’t see the sheet anywhere in the room, email Jessica when you are able.
  6. The signatures should be clear. When they slope upward or downward and are not legible, they may appear to belong to an adjacent name instead of the name of the person signing and you will not receive credit for attending the seminar.

Seminar Series Schedule

Group Meeting with Speakers after the Seminar

Learn More About The Meetings