Social Science Community Honors Charlie Hirschman
Last Friday, professors, students, scholars, family and friends gathered to honor Charles Hirschman on the occasion of his retirement. Charlie, as he is better known, retired as Boeing International Professor in Sociology and the Evans School of Public Policy in September 2017. Thankfully for many of us, retirement for Charlie is a relative state of being. He is currently Professor Emeritus of Sociology at UW comes to the office almost every day to work on the many projects that still remain on his desk!
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CSDE Welcomes Four More Faculty Affiliates!
CSDE’s Executive Committee is pleased to introduce four of our new UW Faculty Affiliates:
- Jessica Jones-Smith – Associate Professor, Health Services & Epidemiology. Jones-Smith is an obesity epidemiologist who studies social, environmental and economic causes and correlates of obesity risk. Specifically, investigating distal drivers of nutrition-related health inequities.
- Noah Seixas – Professor, Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences. Current research interests include characterization of exposures and intervention strategies to control exposures to noise in construction and welding fume in shipyards;
- Kenneth Sherr – Associate Professor, Global Health. Sherr’s research focuses on developing and testing practical solutions to support data-driven decision making and service integration into the Primary Health Care framework to improve health system coverage and quality.
- Michelle Garrison – Research Associate Professor, Health Services & Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences. Garrison’s research areas include child and adolescent sleep problems; interactions between media use, physical activity, and sleep; health behavior change interventions; and pediatric inpatient quality of care.
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What Are the Ethical Implications of Cameras in Nursing Home and Assisted Living Facility Rooms? Clara Berridge Assesses the First Survey on the Topic
CSDE Affiliate and Assistant Professor of Social Work, Clara Berridge, confronts the ethical implications of affordable web-enabled video cameras increasingly adopted by families in an effort to protect elders in residential care from the possibility of harm. In the context of a growing aging population and intensifying strain on the direct care workforce, gerontologists and policy makers must delineate the ethical problems this practice responds to and presents.
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Join Us for the Second Biomarker Working Group on AddHealth Study Data
The second Autumn 2018 Biomarker Working Group will take place on Tuesday, November 27, 2:00-3:00 PM, in 114 Raitt Hall. We will discuss the biomarker data collected in the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent to Adult Health (Add Health) and its uses. Working group participants Vanessa Oddo, and CSDE Affiliates Anjum Hajat and Paula Nurius, have generously agreed to share their experiences with getting started with AddHealth data, and we’d like to invite others who have used any variables from AddHealth to add to this informal discussion.
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Update to the Newer and Safer Wi-Fi Network
PSA: The University of Washington now recommends the “eduroam” Wi-Fi network on campus. The new network is more secure and features strong over the air (OTA) encryption. To set it up, you can access the SecureW2 installer on a variety of platforms (browse to this link on your device) or scan this QR image on your phone or tablet.
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