Children of Migrants in 21st Century China: Trends, Family, and Geography
When: Friday, Nov 30, 2018 (12:30-1:30 PM) Where: 121 Raitt Hall
Children—including those of migrants—are China’s future. Children of migrants, a highly disadvantaged group in the country, now make up close to 40% of all children. This presentation draws from the author’s recent paper published in Eurasian Geography and Economics, supplemented by his latest field visits in October and November. The paper analyzes the population trends of the children population of migrants from 2000 to 2016 based mainly on census and mini-census data with a focus on family structure, geography and the problems faced by the children of migrants.
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Meet the Fall 2018 Lightning Talks and Poster Session Students!
Meet the newest members of UW’s population science community, who will share their cutting-edge research and latest demographic insights at the Lightning Talks and Poster Session next Friday, 12/07/2018.
Benjamin Jones and Nicole Chartier, Linguistics Six Views of New England: Mapping Perceptions of New England Speech
Neal Marquez, Sociology Segregation and Sentiment: Estimating Refugee Segregation and Its Effects Using Digital Trace Data
Charles C Lanfear, Sociology Family Dynamics, Birth Timing, and Child Temperament: A Dynamic Sibling Model Approach
Daphne Liu, Statistics Assessing the Impact of Potential Policies on Fertility in High-Fertility Countries Using Granger Causality and Bayesian Hierarchical Models
Adrien Allorant, Global Health Who is Making the Grade? Statistical Methods for Detecting Unusual Performance in HIV Care and Treatment Programs Using EMR Data in a Low-Resource Setting
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Ann Bostrom Finds that Stronger Efficacy Beliefs are Associated with Greater Support for Reducing Climate Change Risks
In her recently published article, “Efficacy, Action, and Support for Reducing Climate Change Risks,” Ann Bostrom, CSDE Affiliate and Professor of Environmental Policy at the Evans School of Public Policy and Governance, investigates the effect of believing that action to reduce climate change risks is both possible and effective on sustaining risk mitigation efforts.
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Christine Leibbrand Presents her Research on the Role of Race, Gender and Ethnicity in the Decline of Internal Migration
CSDE Fellow Christine Leibbrand, PhD candidate at Sociology, will present her research on the role of race, gender and ethnicity in the decline of internal migration at the final SocSem of the quarter, this Friday, 11/30/2018.
Christine’s research focuses on internal migration and residential mobility within the United States and the relationship between migration, mobility, and individual and familial socioeconomic and neighborhood outcomes. She is also interested in how migration and mobility influence racial and gender disparities in socioeconomic and neighborhood outcomes.
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CSDE Welcomes Four More Regional Affiliates!
CSDE’s Executive Committee is pleased to introduce four of our new Regional Research Affiliates:
- Hedwig Lee – Professor, Sociology, Washington University in St. Louis. Lee is broadly interested in social determinants and consequences of population health and health disparities, with a particular focus on race/ethnicity, poverty, race-related stress, and the family.
- Jake Rosenfeld – Associate Professor, Sociology, Washington University in St. Louis. Rosenfeld’s research and teaching focus on political and economic determinants of inequality in advanced democracies, particularly who gets paid what and why – and how this varies across time and place.
- Julie Morris – Director of the Center for Social Science Instruction, Sociology, Western Washington University. Morris’s research focuses on statistics, demography, and social determinants of health and medicalization; specifically related to stress, health behaviors, and mental health outcomes.
- Amarachi Utah-Adjibola – Fellow, Global Growth and Global Development, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Amarachi’s primary research interests include food security, labor, migration, growth, structural transformation and poverty reduction in sub-Saharan Africa.
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