January 2, 2019
CSDE Seminar Series
Welcome Back!
CSDE is excited to see all of you back on campus. Our Winter quarter schedule is packed with exciting workshops, classes and seminars. Please take a moment to check out our Winter 2019 Seminar Series schedule (shout out to Matt Hall for his tremendous work organizing it!). A few highlights include a Panel on Alcohol and Population Health next Friday (01/11), led by faculty from UW Health Services, Global Health and Public Health, and seminars about the persistence of premigration socioeconomic status (Peter Catron, 01/18), the effects of occupation choice on the wage gender gap (Thomar B Foster, 03/01), inequalities in life expectancy (Jennifer Karas Montez, 03/08) and much more. Book your Friday lunch hour for demographic research discoveries and insights!
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CSDE Research & Highlights
Adrian Raftery Estimates Steady Rates of Global Migration and High Rate of Return to Country of Birth
CSDE Affiliate Adrian Raftery, Professor of Statistics and Sociology, and Jonathan Azose, Affiliate Assistant Professor of Statistics, caught the attention of the media with their recent migration estimates, challenging prior impressions and proving more accurate than previous methods.
In last week’s paper published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, the authors define migration as an international move followed by a stay of at least one year. Using the pseudo-Bayes approach, they find that global migration rates are higher than previously thought, but have remained relatively stable between 1990 and 2015 (fluctuating between 1.1 and 1.3%). Additionally, they find that return migration is much higher than previously estimated, at approximately 45%.
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Keeping You in the News!
It’s that time of the year when your programs are asking for your up-to-date CV's and biosketches. Yes, CSDE will be doing the same in the coming weeks!
But, CSDE would also love to hear from you throughout the year. Not only do we care, but our NIH program officers also want to hear about your publications, grants, awards, recognitions, publicity and news coverage. They like to be able to show off your population science research and insights resulting from their investment in CSDE. Please do send us a note at csde@uw.edu with your grant and publication news, your media spotlights, and your awards and recognitions, as soon as they can be publicized!
Last, of course, we like to know how CSDE helped you succeed, because that helps us ‘make the case’ to all of our institutional investors. If you can include a specific note about how CSDE helped, along with your news update, that would be a bonus. And, we always like to remind trainees and affiliates to acknowledge CSDE (acknowledgement text can be found here).
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Demography Events
Conferences & Calls for Papers
- Senior Data Specialist Office of Labor Standards (OLS), City of Seattle (Deadline: 1/8/2019)
- International Internship, Communications, M&E, Bioinformatics & Public Health Aga Khan University, Kenya, Mozambique, & Pakistan (Deadline: 1/14/2019)
- Lecturer, Data Science and Business Analytics Austin E. Cofrin School of Business, University of Wisconsin-Green Bay (Deadline: 1/17/2019)
- Tenured Researcher, Demography and Associated Disciplines French Institute for Demographic Studies (INED) (Deadline: 1/18/2019)
- Assistant Professor, Housing and the Built Environment Urban Planning and Spatial Analysis, University of Southern California (Deadline: 1/25/2019)
- Thinking Matters Fellow Stanford University (Deadline: 1/31/2019)
- Binational Visiting Fellow Tandem, History of Migration German Historical Institute (GHI) WEST, Berkeley (Deadline: 2/1/2019)
- Director of Research Center for Effective Global Action, University of California, Berkeley (Deadline: 3/1/2019)
- Data Analyst, Current Population Survey & Health Surveys IPUMS, Institute for Social Research and Data Innovation, University of Minnesota (Open until filled)
- Research Methods and Quality Director Innovations for Poverty Action, New York or Washington, DC (Open until filled)
- Visiting Scholar, Environmental Humanities Center for Environmental Futures, University of Oregon (Open until filled)
- Postdoctoral Associate, Racialization of Islam Center for the Study of Race, Indigeneity, and Transnational Migration, Yale University (Open until filled)
Center for Studies in Demography and Ecology |
csde@uw.edu 206 Raitt Hall (206) 616-7743 |
UW Box 353412 Seattle, WA 98195-3412 |
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