April 23, 2019
CSDE Seminar Series
Crime, Migration, and Community Change
Jenna Nobles, Professor of Sociology at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, will present research about how violence relates to domestic and international migration. In Mexico, exposure to violent crime increased sharply between 2007-2010 and has remained elevated in the subsequent years. She will describe where, and how, violence-related migration has shaped population characteristics and aspects of community functioning.
Please visit the seminar page to reserve time to meet with Professor Nobles.
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CSDE Research & Highlights
Ali Rowhani-Rahbar Finds that Many Older Adults Keep Guns Unlocked and Loaded
US News and Pacific Standard recently featured CSDE Affiliate and Associate Professor of Epidemiology Ali Rowhani-Rahbar's research on gun ownership and storage, suicide risk factors, and memory loss among older adults. The statewide survey results, published in the Annals of Internal Medicine, show that many older adults, including those who are mentally impaired, don’t lock up their guns and ammunition.
"Findings of this study highlight the importance of addressing access to firearms among older adults, especially those who display signs of dementia or suicide risk factors," said Rowhani-Rahbar.
CSDE Launches UWDC and Wins UW-STF Grant
Last week was a busy one! In partnership with the Population Health Initiative and Urban@UW, CSDE launched the University of Washington Data Collaborative (UWDC), a new data and administrative infrastructure for storing and accessing innovative data, and building collaborations across the campus community.
In addition, the UWDC team won a UW Student Technology Fee grant to support the hard and soft infrastructure that will be used to build the data collaborative's virtual machines! Shout-out to our computing experts Matt Weatherford and Alan Li.
According to CSDE Science Core Director Matt Hall, "The STF grant will dramatically expand our ability to provide access to the innovative data that is held by the UWDC. The UWDC is particularly excited to work with students across campus and at all stages of their academic careers to advance their research skills and experiences in population and data science."
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Remember: Notify NIH Before Your Research is Published!
PSA: Remember that NIH program officers need to know about upcoming NIH-supported papers before they are published. Send csde@uw.edu your pre-publication news! For more information, reach out to CSDE’s Administrator Scott Kelly.
Additionally, the Office of Behavioral and Social Sciences Research (OBSSR) at NIH is seeking to create a list of social science research accomplishments which have resulted in substantial health improvements or insights. Between now and July 31, 2019 any and all accomplishments can be submitted to OBSSR through this link. Don't forget to copy csde@uw.edu so we can also promote your accomplishments!
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Apply to CSDE’s 2019 Grant Writing Summer Program!
CSDE’s Grant Writing Summer Program assists early-career scholars and those new to writing NIH grant applications. Experienced investigators will coach participants through the process of developing a competitive application. Participants will learn about grant mechanisms and engage in an intensive writing workshop with feedback on all aspects of their research plans and proposal. CSDE demystifies the grant-writing process and creates a supportive environment that produces proposals ready for submission in the Fall. Learn more and apply here! Applications are due on 5/3/2019.
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Demography Events
- Approaching the ROW through Tactical Urbanism, Rachel Berney (Urban Research Seminar, 4/23/2019)
- Using Facebook Advertising Data to Estimate Out-Migration From Puerto Rico After Hurricane Maria, Kivan Polimis (CSSS Seminar, 4/24/2019)
- Elder Care in China, Lillian Prueher (UW Aging Lecture Series, 4/25/2019)
- Envisioning a Green New Deal in Washington State (Panel Discussion, 4/25/2019)
- Does Research Matter in the Real World? Reflections on Research Use Among Domestic Violence Serving Organizations, Taryn Lindhorst (WCPC Seminar, 4/29/2019)
- Preparing the Next Generation of Population Health Researchers (IAPHS Webinar, 5/2/2019)
- Team up with Data Visualization Students to Advance your Research! (CSE 512)
- Summer Class: ANTH269 An Anthropology of Homelessness
Conferences & Calls for Papers
Center for Studies in Demography and Ecology |
csde@uw.edu 206 Raitt Hall (206) 616-7743 |
UW Box 353412 Seattle, WA 98195-3412 |
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