January 14, 2020
CSDE Seminar Series
An Earth-Scientist’s View of Human Population Dynamics
When: Friday, Jan 17, 2020 (12:30 - 1:30 PM) Where: 121 Raitt Hall
This Friday, Stephen Warren from the UW Department of Atmospheric Sciences and UW Department of Earth & Space Sciences will discuss today’s fertility rates and population sizes and how these are examined in the context of past and future centuries. During the 20th century, the world’s population grew by the factor 3.5. What permitted this growth was the agricultural advances of the 20th century; without those advances the population would not have grown as it did, from 1.7 billion in 1900 to 6 billion in 2000. Now in the 21st century, the ability to secure adequate food and water worldwide is threatened by continued rapid population growth, which has been steady at ~80 million per year for each of the last 50 years.
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CSDE Workshops
Upcoming CSDE Workshops
Designed to complement formal course instruction, CSDE Workshops are offered in a shorter, more accessible format responsive to the specific demographic research needs of CSDE’s Trainees and Faculty Affiliates. This Winter quarter, CSDE is offering Workshops on the topics below. Click on any Workshop to learn more and register:
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CSDE Research & Highlights
CSDE Fellow Spotlight: Hilary Wething
How do labor policies affect workers and their families in low-wage and precarious jobs? CSDE Fellow Hilary Wething answers this question through her research on labor market policy and household economic security. In September 2020, Hilary will take her interdisciplinary training in public policy and demography to the Pennsylvania State University School of Public Policy where she will be the Jackman-McCourtney Career Development Professor of Public Policy and a faculty associate with PSU’s Population Research Institute. Hilary’s interdisciplinary training includes two undergraduate degrees in Mathematics and Economics from Creighton University and a forthcoming PhD in Public Policy and Management at the UW Evans School, along with a certificate in Demographic Methods and a Shanahan Endowed Fellowship in Demography.
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CSDE Biomarker Working Group Meeting: Portable Methods for Biomarker Data Collection in the Field
Mark your calendars! The CSDE Biomarker Working Group is having its first meeting on Wednesday, January 22, 3:00 – 4:30 PM in Raitt Hall 230. The meeting will be a hands-on workshop in biomarker methods that provides quick on-site measurements in non-clinical settings without the need to transport samples back to a lab. You will get to practice proper technique for minimally invasive measures like height, weight, body composition, and blood pressure, and the use of simple tools for biomarker testing with blood collected from a finger prick. Additionally, a brief lecture component will cover costs, logistics, human subjects implications, and strengths and limitations of this approach to biomarker data collection. If you are interested in joining the Biomarker Working Group, you can find out more emailing Ellie Brindle (ebrindle@uw.edu).
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IAPHS Awards Nominations
Nominations are now open for the IAPHS Awards! You can recognize a colleague (or yourself!) who has contributed to IAPHS and the field of population health. IAPHS has 6 award opportunities for members of the organization. To be eligible, individuals are required to be current members of the organization. Award winners will be recognized at the annual IAPHS Conference in September. Nominations are due on March 23, 2020.
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Demography Events
Conferences & Calls for Papers
Center for Studies in Demography and Ecology |
csde@uw.edu 206 Raitt Hall (206) 616-7743 |
UW Box 353412 Seattle, WA 98195-3412 |
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